If the outcome is requirement of modifications (to secure approval), the PI is provided with a list of the required modifications, which are then addressed and sent back to the IACUC for review. As stated in the Guide “for certain animal use protocols . ; Submit a new IACUC Protocol (or be added to an Approved Protocol). https://olaw.nih.gov/guidance/departures-from-the-guide.htm. When hazardous materials are used in animal research, many institutions require additional authorizations or approvals from other committees such as Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), Radiation Safety, or the Institutional Biosafety Committee. A protocol also has administrative sections that help in identification of the study and to keep track of its progress during regulatory requirements such as annual review or the triennial de novo review. This review can result in the following. What does an IACUC do? All research establishments are required to have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) which reviews all research projects to ensure all that the 3Rs are being implemented. What does the IACUC expect of my Laboratory during Semi-annual Inspections? The principle of reduction will be addressed by providing justification for the number of animals proposed. The protocol review process is complex, and the quality of the protocol being reviewed can make all the difference in the efficiency with which an IACUC can conduct a thorough and complete review. If your IACUC CITI Training records do not display, be sure that your Mount Sinai Life Number is correctly inputted into your CITI Institutional Profile for Icahn School of … The method of euthanasia must be consistent with the American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals.16 If the method of euthanasia is not consistent with these guidelines, a scientific justification must be provided and approved by the IACUC. IACUC protocols can be initiated in e-Protocol (https://eprotocol.osu.edu/) from the e-IACUC workspace. The IACUC will ask for the qualifications of the personnel listed on the protocol as well as information on the training these individuals have received. A flow chart or table is often helpful when explaining animal numbers, especially if there are several different studies combined in a single study and/or complicated breeding schemes. For example, if a chemical agent is used, specify the dosage range and route of administration. Should IACUC approval expire, all activities involving … Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. -Review and approve animal use protocols submitted by investigators. The IACUC is charged with making certain all research utilizing animals complies with the 3 R's (reduction, replacement, and refinement). A statement indicating that the research is not unnecessarily duplicative of previously published research is also often included. procedures.” The IACUC office should be able to guide researchers to available resources at their institution. This is to ensure that they are qualified to perform specific procedures listed on the protocol and are aware of the risks associated with the study.20 Investigators may be asked to provide proof of additional training on topics such as laboratory animal allergies, good laboratory practices, or training on the use of hazardous agents.21, Scientific research on free-living wildlife in their natural habitats, or field studies, require unique IACUC consideration if the activities impact the animals or their environment in any way.22 Activities that affect animals may be handling procedures with potential to cause harm, such as capturing, banding or tattooing, and biological sampling, or may be procedures with no direct contact that still affect animals such as playback of sounds, habitat manipulation, or approach by humans. The IACUC web site is best viewed with IE 8.0/higher or Firefox 4.0/higher and COOKIES TURNED ON. Once the results of the pilot study are reviewed by the IACUC, the PI may be allowed to submit a protocol for the full study.7. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. In this role the VP Research has the responsibility to appoint the IACUC members. What does the IACUC do? Approval is only required for procedures conducted on animals after hatching. The IACUC must report to a Senior Administrator known as the. A researcher with this role can order animals for studies described on their approved IACUC protocol. If vehicles are needed for animal transport, additional information should be provided regarding transportation procedures. Describe any preoperative procedures such as food and fluid restriction (presurgical fasting), baseline data acquisition (eg, body weight, blood work), presurgical sedation if needed, and acclimation to devices or jackets that might be in use after surgery. Acceptable ranges allow flexibility in the procedure while minimizing potential noncompliance as a result of going “off protocol.”13 Information that should be included: Administration of substances (route, frequency, volume). It may be acceptable to provide a range for the dosage to allow flexibility in the procedure.13 If halogenated inhalant agents are used such as isoflurane, methods for scavenging waste anesthetic gas should be described. The IACUC may also ask for other information such as location of equipment, transport to and from the location, any effect on animal well-being, and how equipment is sanitized between cohorts. There is a great degree of flexibility when designing a protocol form to serve an institution’s animal program, depending on the types of species used in the institution, the types of studies carried out, and the regulatory and oversight agencies overseeing the work. Depending on the IACUC, other methods of review including administrative review and veterinary verification and consultation may be available methods for certain amendment requests (NOT-OD-14-126). 3. Oversight to protect animals The IACUC ensures that the animal research program is in compliance with: APPLICABLE LAWS REGULATIONS POLICIES GUIDELINES. To evaluate the potential impact of the studies, the IACUC may consult with experts (wildlife biologists, ecologists). However, using too small a sample size may result in missing a true effect and thus also waste animals. The Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy), the US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training (Principles), the US Animal Welfare Act, and Animal Welfare Act Regulations (AWRs) all have specific requirements regarding review of proposed animal activities.2,3. The IACUC committee includes the following members: The WSU animal care program and facilities have earned AAALAC accreditation. A: An IACUC administrator works for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to develop, implement, and optimize each program and regulation that governs research activities involving animals. A well-designed protocol form is also critical in guiding investigators through the process. lawyer, librarian, ethicist), Faculty or staff members with expertise in the care and involvement of animals in instruction or research. The investigator should seek guidance on how his/her IACUC would categorize a study of this type. This pre-review helps to determine completeness of sections, inclusion of documents and attachments, verification of other required approvals (eg, biosafety), and training requirements. Ensure that the principal investigator has considered alternatives to painful or distressing procedures, and review a written assurance that alternatives are not available. The IACUC has 25 members with a range of expertise as scientists and specialists. For survival procedures, a detailed description of the postprocedural care is required including housing and palliative care, suture removal, provision of analgesia and other postoperative medications to be administered, parameters for monitoring pain and distress during recovery, other assessments for postoperative recovery, management of potential complications, and any humane endpoints in case of unrelieved pain or distress. However, significant changes (change in species, surgical procedures, method of euthanasia, change in duration, number or frequency of a procedure) have the potential to negatively impact animal welfare and therefore must be approved through either FCR or DMR, as all amendments must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC prior to implementation. The outcomes of the review process (approval, requirement of modifications to secure approval, or approval withheld) are then provided to the PI in writing along with the reasons for the decisions (AWR 2.31,d,4). 1. Some specific examples are also provided. What does the IACUC expect of my Laboratory during Semi-annual Inspections? Activities that require IACUC approval: IACUC approval is required before conducting research and teaching activities involving animals if ANY of the following categories apply: For technical assistance, please call your departmental computer support first, then email AUPSHelp@ucsd.edu. There are 2 types of database searches inlcuded in the IACUC protocol forms: an alternatives search and a duplication search. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences 2019. length of visit, contact with animals, level of involvement) that will impact what training and safety requirements will be required, and there are rules regarding visitors that you will need to be … Please note that the IACUC will meet on 18th January 2021 to deliberate on protocols 2. In compliance with federal regulations, the IACUC provides training to all individuals working with live vertebrate animals at WSU. You are doing research, teaching, or breeding that involves live vertebrate animals, and, You are working under the auspices of Washington State University, A chair who is a full or associate professor at WSU, Practicing scientists with experience in research involving animals, Community members not affiliated with the university, Non-Scientist members whose expertise is in a non-scientific area (e.g. Working in concert with the Office of the Campus Veterinarian and federal regulatory agencies, the IACUC strictly enforces the law and regulations to ensure that humane animal treatment is uncompromised. IACUC protocols may describe plans for animal care and use for up to 3 years. Tap card to see definition . An IACUC administrator works for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to develop, implement, and optimize each program and regulation that governs research activities involving animals. Significant changes to animal activities. The training and qualifications review is often performed during the administrative pre-review of the protocol. IACUC-approved protocols come with a protocol approval letter that lists annual and final (3-year) expiration dates. The IACUC wants to ensure that all animal users get the information they need. In particular, any restrictions on the institutional plan for environmental enrichment for nonhuman primates or restrictions or the exercise and socialization plan for dogs must be described and scientifically justified. Classification C: Animals upon which experiments will be conducted involving no or only momentary pain, distress, or use of pain-relieving drugs. Review and approve all animal use in teaching and research prior to any work being done with animals. IACUCs may have established guidelines on blood sampling procedures such as a maximum limit of total blood collected per week, limit on the number of times a collection site is used, and minimum recovery period between collections. Establishing a culture of care, conscience, and responsibility: addressing the improvement of scientific discovery and animal welfare through science-based performance standards. Hollander M. Protocol processing: from submission to approval. Animal care policy manual. Both the administrative and veterinary pre-reviews help to smooth the IACUC review process and can result in a faster approval time. If you are a researcher, protocol deviations and noncompliance can affect continued support from your funding agency. There should be appropriate control groups, randomization, and a discussion of sex choice given the increased emphasis on performing animal studies using both males and females.12. The IACUC will review the protocol, either with a designated reviewer or as a full committee. Although IACUCs are not required to evaluate the scientific content of a protocol for quality, the benefits of the study against potential animal welfare concerns have elements of scientific merit review in them. How often does the IACUC meet? There are several sample size calculators available online. Researchers may hear a lot about AAALAC accreditation at their institution. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Swapna Mohan, BG 38A RM B2N13Q13, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894. If there is known toxicity with any of the substances, provide details on monitoring parameters and planned intervention if adverse effects are observed. An IACUC constituted as per the requirements of the PHS Policy comprises of a wide range of experts, including one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area, such as the nonscientific member and the nonaffiliated member. The PI is the primary person responsible for the research proposal, the use of animals on the protocol, oversight of personnel in the laboratory, and implementation of research in compliance with institutional rules and federal laws and regulations. Inspect (semiannually) all UVM animal facilities. An IACUC administrator works for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to develop, implement, and optimize each program and regulation that governs research activities involving animals. To verify that animal research is conducted in an appropriate environment. Anticipated clinical signs and endpoints must be described for any studies that are known to cause significant signs or that may be potentially lethal, such as administration of tumor cells, biologics, infectious agents, radiation, or toxic chemicals. 3. Therefore, the requirement for using death as an experimental endpoint and unrelieved pain and distress must be scientifically justified. The primary directives of the Wheaton College IACUC are: 1. Nonpharmaceutical grade anesthetics such as tribromoethanol will require additional information and justification.7, If multiple survival surgical procedures are planned (ie, multiple anesthetic events), a scientific justification for the multiple survival surgeries will be required in addition to information on whether the surgeries are major or minor (as defined by your IACUC) and the time period (minimum) between 2 surgeries. Purpose and Responsibilities. Other Laws and Regulations Animal Use and Welfare. If your Progress Report was submitted to the IACUC and has a status of "Pending Review" then the IACUC has your submission. Such departures must be approved by the IACUC and will be reported in the semiannual report to the Institutional Official by the IACUC.17. Use of animals for demonstrations, exhibitions, etc: Varies on a case by case basis When in doubt, complete the Determination form and email to IACUC@uci.edu. Please visit the Contacts Page for information on how to reach the AWP staff. ; Complete Training – both Module I and facility-specific Module 2.; Get access to the protocol management system, eSirius, by sending an email to the IACUC office requesting access to e-sirius. In case of approval, the written record will typically include information such as approval and expiry dates, species and number of animals, and any conditions of approval.5 If approval is withheld, the PI is notified in writing with reasons and is given the opportunity to respond to the feedback. If major surgery is conducted on animals prior to purchase and/or transfer to your animal facility, a brief description of the procedure and any measures taken during care and acclimation should be described. These must be described along with an appropriate plan of action. The IACUC does not require the principal investigator to provide copies of permits (e.g., PA Game Commission, Bird Banding, US Fish and Wildlife Service) prior to approval. The committee has the authority to approve, require changes in order to secure approval, or withhold approval of proposed studies. This should include an explanation of the different arms of the study, group sizes needed, time points, etc. In: USDA/APHIS/AC, ed. Provision of the keyword combinations and Boolean operators used allows the committee to determine whether the database searches are likely to be relevant and effective in searching for alternatives.11. An IACUC administrator works for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to develop, implement, and optimize each program and regulation that governs research activities involving animals. 1. If the proposed changes do not fit with the scope and objectives of the original protocol, a new IACUC Protocol should be submitted. General concepts of protocol review. 2. In: Guillén, Javier, eds. Most protocol forms have a section asking for study objectives or a brief explanation of study aims and how it is important in the advancement of science or human or animal health. Although a complete and thorough review of proposed animal studies is an essential function of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), efforts to streamline and clarify this process may help investigators spend less time writing animal use protocols and responding to committee comments. Blood withdrawal (site, frequency, volume, methodology). https://olaw.nih.gov/sites/default/files/oacu3040-2.htm#stobj. The IACUC supplies informational resources to investigators, animal managers, and students to guide them in their research and teaching activities involving animals. However, keep in mind that if the eggs hatch, care or euthanasia of the animals requires IACUC oversight (and oversight is required of the parents that produced the egg, if they will be involved). The IACUC does not have authority to extend approval beyond three years. Breeding colonies should be sized to provide the number of experimental animals needed without producing an abundance of extra animals that then must be needlessly euthanized. SCAW’s IACUC Training Workshop educates and trains individuals who work with laboratory animals in research, testing and education. Contracting in vivo research: what are the issues? IACUC Central is a valuable resource for institutional animal care and use committee members and staff. Statistical methods such as a power analysis should be used when possible to determine appropriate group sizes (N) for the experiments and the total number of experimental groups stated. The IACUC web site is best viewed with IE 8.0/higher or Firefox 4.0/higher and COOKIES TURNED ON. IACUC oversight helps researchers conduct safe and ethically sound investigations. For technical assistance, please call your departmental computer support first, then email AUPSHelp@ucsd.edu. IACUC protocols can be initiated in e-Protocol (https://eprotocol.osu.edu/) from the e-IACUC workspace. Tutorial on PHS policy: protocol review. However, a power analysis is not appropriate for all studies, and the AWRs allow other methods such as published literature that uses the same or similar animal model or results from pilot studies. The IACUC protocol review does not encompass the robust type of interdisciplinary discussions that lead to the best animal experiments for the plethora of reasons already discussed. Whatever parameters are used to establish breeding configurations and weaning procedures, the IACUC must ensure that cage population does not negatively impact animal well … Review and if warranted, investigate animal welfare concerns. The IACUC is required to ensure that all animal use is the best use of animals to achieve the expected result. For studies that induce a chronic disease condition such as tumor studies or infectious disease studies, the appropriate pain category may not always be clear. Behavioral tests (methodology, equipment used, monitoring, and acclimation process). This accreditation demonstrates WSU’s commitment to responsible animal care and use, while supporting advancement of science for human and animal welfare. A decision to withhold approval must occur at a convened IACUC meeting. This is to ensure that appropriate approvals are in place prior to the conduct of the work with a hazardous material in the vivarium. This review can result in the following. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc. Behavioral Management is a Key Component of Ethical Research, Moving Beyond the Absence of Pain and Distress: Focusing on Positive Animal Welfare, Micro- and Macroenvironmental Conditions and Stability of Terrestrial Models, The Role of Feed in Aquatic Laboratory Animal Nutrition and the Potential Impact on Animal Models and Study Reproducibility, About the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, https://olaw.nih.gov/resources/tutorial/iacuc.htm#5c, https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Policy%20Manual.pdf, https://olaw.nih.gov/sites/default/files/oacu3040-2.htm#stobj, https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf, https://olaw.nih.gov/guidance/departures-from-the-guide.htm, https://olaw.nih.gov/guidance/significant-changes.htm, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2021 Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. To ensure that your protocols are tabled for review at this meeting, please submit them via iORC to reach the IACUC office no later than 14th December 2020. How do I start an IACUC Animal Use Protocol Submission? The meeting dates for the year can be found here. * The IACUC has the authority to withhold approval of proposed activities or significant changes. By ensuring compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the use of animals. Monthly meetings are typically held the last Wednesday of the Month with the exception of November and December which are held the week prior to the university scheduled holidays. Swapna Mohan, Patricia L Foley, Everything You Need to Know About Satisfying IACUC Protocol Requirements, ILAR Journal, Volume 60, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 50–57, https://doi.org/10.1093/ilar/ilz010. Most protocols also ask the researcher to state how death will be confirmed, for example, use of cervical dislocation following CO2 euthanasia of mice or confirmed lack of respiration for a specified period of time. The organization of forms should be such that they are easy for the investigator to complete and for the IACUC to review. of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; 2005. Unwanted genotypes should be explained and any potential use included (eg, as practice animals for training new staff, use in pilot studies). Any expected attrition should also be factored in, such as surgical mortalities, less than 100% tumor take rate, etc. The IACUC will want to know how group sizes were determined, the statistical parameters used, and the power calculations used for achieving statistically valid results.7 Refinement can be addressed by design of procedures that minimize pain, distress, and discomfort.10 It is helpful to give specific examples of how the procedures have been refined to minimize pain or distress, such as use of postoperative analgesics, noninvasive imaging procedures, study designs that minimize the need for frequent handling or restraint of animals, procedural training that occurs before using live animals, etc. And teaching can begin only after they have been reviewed and approved by the attending should! Any deviations from standard husbandry practices should be scientifically justified study are required in this section and objectives the. 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