With the high cost and the long‐term assessment of developmental toxicity testing in mammals, the vertebrate zebrafish has become a useful alternative model organism for high‐throughput developmental toxicity testing. Although cardiotoxicity, behavior alteration or teratogenecity determinations can be determined using zebrafish, to evaluate hepatotoxicity derived from new generation drugs treatments is still under testing. Zebrafish are amenable small teleost, incessantly used for drug screening, efficacy studies and toxicity testing [65,68,69,86]. The proposed toxicity pathway studies will improve the research community’s ability to translate zebrafish results to other species. Fertilised eggs of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) were used to test the acute toxicity … Both toxicity incidence and potency were correlated with chemical class and hydrophobicity (logP) Need to … We measured 18 physicochemical parameters and toxicity … Crossref If high-throughput, low-cost zebrafish testing closely replicates the results of rodent testing, then zebrafish testing, in combination with other assays, may eliminate the need for rodent testing… low cost; short life cycle; less amounts of a test compound; and high output [35]. Owing to their low cost, rapid growth, and significant homology to humans, zebrafish (Danio rerio) are commonly employed as in vivo model systems in the toxicity studies of nanomaterials. The majority (62%) of ToxCast Phase 1 chemicals were toxic to the developing zebrafish. Although single organ specific toxicity assays have already been commercialised, it is not yet possible to assess toxicity … Surface water samples were taken from eight stations along the river. In the present report, our group employed a hydrothermal approach to synthesize CDs and then assessed their toxicity in zebrafish. The ecotoxicological data obtained from acute toxicity tests in fish are, however, not sufficiently reliable to justify the continued use of this test. The fish embryotoxicity test (FET) in zebrafish was used to identify toxicological hotspots along the Atoyac River, Mexico, to determine the presence of chemical substances with teratogenic effects for a possible monitoring program. High-throughput zebrafish screens are becoming an important tool in the pharmaceutical industry for assessing toxicity and efficacy of new drugs. Stephanie Padilla, Scott Glaberman, The zebrafish (Danio rerio) model in toxicity testing, An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 10.1016/B978-0-12-813602-7.00037-5, (525-532), (2020). Another test that uses zebrafish embryos is the OECD’s fish embryo toxicity test (FET), the final draft of which became available in July 2013.2 Both the fish embryo test, which exposes fish embryos to various chemical compounds to determine LC50 and toxicity, and the zebrafish embryo toxicity test … Zebrafish … Fish toxic test guideline OECD guidelines for the testing of chemicals 210: Fish early-life stage toxicity test 215: Fish juvenile growth test 229: Fish short term reproduction assay 236: Fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test 305: Bioaccumulation in fish aqueous and dietary exposure EPA OPPTS 850.1075: Fish acute toxicity test Zebrafish model system has been successfully used in studying developmental toxicity, teratogenicity, cardiovascular toxicity, liver toxicity, behavioral toxicity, kidney toxicity…