As the sustainability activator, Anthesis helps organizations create long-term business and stakeholder value through sustainable performance. This includes internal and external support, both from the top down and bottom up. Perhaps a surprising supporter of sustainability is the U.S. Army which has established a set of goals to embrace its operations, installations, systems, and communities. METRO Sustainable expresses our sustainability ambition combined with our purpose and is the driver of our actions towards customer sustainability.It means placing METRO at the core of transforming and driving sustainable business by adding value through sustainable action – at our own business and with our customers.. Always make sure the targets are credible, which means striking a balance between what can be practically achieved while setting the bar at a level where real improvements will accrue. Improve your bottom line. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Sign up for the Environment + Energy Leader free newsletter and receive our top news stories in your inbox on Tuesday & Thursday each week. Can be positioned as a competitive advantage. How to Help Reach Your Corporate Sustainability Goals. As part of this pledge, Amazon has made ambitious commitments toward reaching this goal. use this site, we consider that you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our While it is important to include measurable targets, it is not necessary for all of them to be empirically framed. 8. The company’s sustainability initiatives promote the goals of clean energy, climate action, and sustainable cities and communities. While corporate sustainability recognizes that corporate growth and profitability are important, it also requires the corporation to pursue societal goals, specifically those relating to sustainable development — environmental protection, social justice and equity, and economic development. These CRC goals serve to unite, inspire, and empower our workforce to meet the world’s growing demand for safer and more sustainable products. Innovation is key to driving new sustainable products which can also enable the solving of environmental or social sustainability issues. La Banque Postale celebrates its uniqueness by promoting a local presence, trust and modernity for the benefit of all. Companies need support from NGOs and other relevant third-party ‘watchdogs’ to advance sustainability causes and communicate with the public at large in a credible and authentic manner. United Nations Global Compact Lays out five defining features of corporate sustainability, which the Global Compact asks businesses to strive towards – looking at why each element is essential, how business can move forward and what the Global Compact is doing to help. From sustainable agriculture and energy efficient manufacturing to eco-friendly packaging, Heinz presents a set of empirical benchmarks. This increased focus on publishing specific objectives is surely good news for the credibility of sustainability reporting. 7. Through our ambitious 2025 Sustainability Goals, we are collaborating with like-minded partners to help lead the transition to a sustainable planet and society. This increased focus on publishing specific objectives is surely good news for the credibility of sustainability reporting. If you’re starting a corporate sustainability program from ground zero, you’ll need to justify your time and resources. Goals are a central part of business management. SAP’s purpose to help the world run better and improve people's lives is the guiding principle to our business strategy – in particular, our sustainability, health, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) portfolio. The Global Compact LEAD companies, a group of corporate sustainability leaders from all regions and sectors, have identified the following best practices: Making your sustainability goals public as commitments to society can help you communicate tostakeholders the in-depth contribution your company is making to sustainable development. They provide a valuable tool for corporate leadership to negotiate realistic ambitions with its managers to secure enhancements across all areas of the operation. If you are participating in the UN Global Compact, submit your sustainability goals to the online database on the United Nations website. 3. The ranking, compiled by sustainability-focused media and investment research firm Corporate Knights, started with over 7,500 publicly-listed companies with a gross revenue of at least $1B. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Whether it is about reducing water use or eliminating forced labor in supply chains, SustainAbility’s important new research, "Targeting Value," assesses the current state of best practice and showcases the variety of techniques corporate leaders are using to set and then achieve sustainability goals. A company’s sustainability targets should touch on everything in the company, including product distribution, packaging, supply chain, office efficiency, manufacturing plant operations, human resources and R&D. 2. Site traffic information and cookies . Focus on parts of the business where improvements are needed, but can be achieved. They provide a compass to managers who need clear, benchmarkable targets that can steer them in an agreed direction. We believe social, environmental, and economic activities and performance are interrelated – each impacting the others. Receive Environment + Energy Leader's top news stories two times each week, Jonathan Wootliff is the former Communications Director for Greenpeace International and now now heads the Corporate Accountability practice at Chicago-based. Below, we’ll look at corporate sustainability examples from … What does the future hold for various #energy sectors? He can be contacted at But the growth in some other categories is intriguing and indicative of a shift in thinking. What are the Sustainable Development Goals? While only issued just a few years ago, the publication of a regular account of a company’s sustainability performance has become common practice. In particular, we are interested in understanding how corporate governance affects or influences the corporate sector's engagement with sustainable development goals initiatives on the continent. Reach for goals that will benefit the business and expand opportunities for the company. 2. © Copyright 2020 Business Sector Media LLC. Often these employees are much closer to the day-to-day mechanics, and shortcomings, of existing procedures, and they are among the first to recognize opportunities. Collaboration with external organizations, NGOs and partners is necessary to advance a sustainability agenda. For those unfamiliar with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), they are a set of 17 global goals (and 169 corresponding indicators) ... EMC, where she held a leadership role in their corporate sustainability department overseeing a broad range of ESG issues. While there has been a substantial improvement in high-impact sustainability goal-setting by companies over the past … Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB): Deloitte has provided funding and a secondment, participated in industry working groups, and has a seat on the Assurance Task Force. No goals should be included without there being a clear roadmap as to how they can be achieved in reality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. 10. News from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – architects of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework – of plans to begin work on a new version of the guidelines for release by the end of 2010 will inevitably provoke further discussion about the direction of sustainability reporting. It is of particularly relevance for companies operating in the manufacturing sector who have always reserved a solid commitment towards it. I was recently impressed by hearing goals described by the phrase “dreams with a deadline.” Goals provide observable and measurable results that need to be achieved within a timeframe. Since companies operate in industries with different business and regulatory landscapes, there is no one identified best practice that results in a sure shot success of sustainability integration. CSR at the heart of La Banque Postale’s business model, and a factor in its response to the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2019, Amazon co-founded The Climate Pledge —a commitment to be net zero carbon across our business by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement. The best opportunities for improving the environmental and social performance of an organization are most likely to come from the people who have to deliver. This crucial element sets the tone for the entire organization and shows business partners, external stakeholders and employees that company leadership views sustainability as an important enabler of improving and growing the business. 4. Sustainability goals must be integral to the business, and should not require separate work, because the right sustainability strategy will enhance the efficiency of the company’s existing operation. A corporate sustainability strategy without goals would be like a ship without a rudder. President Obama signed an Executive order requesting all Federal agencies establish sustainability goals, as collectively being the largest consumers of energy in the U.S. 5. Share A common phrase in management, “What gets measured, gets done,” is one you’ve likely heard before. Forest products company, Weyerhaeuser, rates its achievements against a range of sustainability goals in an impressively transparent manner. Ensure support and ownership: You will need to secure and maintain broad organizational support for your company’s sustainability goals. At the same time, the customer's requirements for the sustainability aspects of the products are also addressed. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a global framework to help countries, businesses and other stakeholders understand and address society’s most important challenges. Cookie Notice. The best sustainability strategies involve working with a number of external stakeholders to identify needs and to create new opportunities and solutions for some of the world’s toughest challenges. There is no doubt that one of the most important advances in sustainability reporting has been the growing preparedness of corporations to publicly state what they aim to achieve. To reach our goals and drive sustainable development within our company and beyond, we need strong partners. October 7, 2019 3 min read. 1. We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Corporate Sustainability: a goal that cannot be missed. There clearly has to be a shared vision within any company as to where it intends to go. Establish goals that have real traction with customers and consumers. The Sustainability Core Team supports the Corporate Sustainability Board to drive the implementation of CSB decisions and to connect with the Sustainability Communities. Resource Author. Neste Corporation refines and markets oil out of Finland. Target 17.6: Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, … Consumer products manufacturer Procter and Gamble has been publishing sustainability reports for over a decade and has developed some highly ambitious goals. As we advance our third set of 10-year sustainability goals, our sustainability journey has evolved from focusing on operational efficiency (our footprint), to product solutions and world challenges (our handprint), to recognizing that only through … Right now, I am finding that much of the debate centers around sustainability goals, with many reports reflecting increased ambition with the inclusion of robust objectives. We therefore collaborate with a wide array of organizations, federations, associations, and networks to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. Companies are setting more goals in newer categories, especially on the social side A majority of companies cover the basics on footprint — climate, energy, water and waste — and those categories have remained popular (see chart). Environmental Leader ® is a registered trademark of Business Sector Media LLC. Create a stakeholder manag… Sustainable measurable goals: Monitoring our progress through ten priority goals by 2030 Corporate Sustainability: a goal that cannot be missed. As sustainability moves up the boardroom agenda, it is increasingly being integrated into corporate level strategic planning. Prior to sustainability, Alyssa has nine years of experience at EMC in supply chain, hardware engineering, and IT roles. Pharmaceutical giant Bristol Myers Squibb publishes a comprehensive table of its goals across it operations, set out clearly with many measurable targets. But targets that are too soft could be derided as meaningless, and could attract accusations of “greenwash” and the like. This type of business may seem inherently unsustainable unless, like Neste, … Access Resource. Since joining the commercial world as a consultant, he has worked with companies all over the  globe – British Petroleum, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Merrill Lynch, Owens Corning, Procter & Gamble, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, the Whirlpool Corporation and others – to provide guidance on developing and sustaining relationships with a variety of key stakeholders. 9. Corporate sustainability programs may include (but are not limited to) efforts to reduce environmental impacts, support communities, improve the lives of employees, and promote social justice. They … They are divided into three pillars—Inspired People, Shared Planet, and Evolved Portfolio—that are further broken down into eight areas, focusing on our employees, communities, safety, the environment, and our value chain. Neste Corporation. The FREE newsletter covering essential news for environment and energy professionals. Company employees can provide the richest source of ideas as to what sustainability goals should be set. There tends to be a relatively ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to the question, “has the goal been achieved?”. 6. To see how and, better yet, to learn firsthand, a new study from NRG Energy and @SmartEnergy2020 surveyed companies from all points of the #DER journey Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSE): Deloitte has a representative on the SSE Corporate Working Group. 1. This is part 1 of a 6-part series revealing findings from SustainAbility’s recent report, "Targeting Value," which focuses on how to maximize impact through corporate sustainability goal setting. The objective of the SDGs outlined by the United Nations is ‘to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Integrate your sustainability goals throughout your company’s governance systems and processes: AGREE Ideally, it should be the CEO who is seen as the principle trailblazer of the company’s sustainability objectives. Corporate sustainability has always been a topic that has occupied centre stage. Case study available for download:, #energy #energyassets #energymanagement @EnelXGlobal #UmassBoston, Bearing Witness for Ecology etc@ecobearwitness, Funding for #Battery Storage and Smart Grid Market up 112% Compared to 2019: Environment Energy Leader #technology #RenewableEnergy, MORE w/ EcoSearch:, Rapid Growth in Smart Lighting Market Driven by #SmartCities and Infrastructure Upgrades, Reports Say via @ELDaily, #SmartCity #IoT #Sustainability #EdgeComputing, DERs are transforming power by giving customers greater control of their electricity. We use cookies to improve our site and to analyze traffic. It’s crucial to set specific and time-bound goals for your corporate sustainability efforts. Sustainability reporting has mushroomed within the past several years, gaining acceptance throughout the world and serving as a means for companies to build public trust. If the targets cannot be achieved, the company’s sustainability track record will appear as weak. Corporate sustainability is a growing concern among investors who seek not only economic profit but also social good. Given that this field is about continuous improvement, with companies striving to do better by deploying the right practices without any absolute end point, sustainability goals should arguably be seen more as intentions with targets, as opposed to boxes that need to be ticked. The pandemic & energy demand, new research from @McKinsey. Doing this before you begin can help clarify priorities across your entire organization and improve your ultimate performance. Management now need to balance increased regulation, protecting the brand and ensuring stable supply chains with seeking opportunity for enhanced performance and using the sustainability agenda for strategic advantage. Identify the key drivers 2. A company’s drive for sustainability must neither be seen purely as an internal management tool or as an external public relations opportunity. Part 2 addresses corporate sustainability goals around water stewardship.. Here are six interesting and varied ways of setting sustainability goals and reporting on results by organizations in a broad range of fields: From a business perspective, this is how a commitment to sustainability can be truly sustainable over the long term. From the Editor: Congrats to the 2020 E+E 100 Honorees! By clicking “agree”, closing this message or continuing to They should be motivating and aspirational, as opposed to just being perceived as just more issues that need to be managed. If you've no account register here first time, ESGs and Sustainable Value Creation: Aligning Reporting Against Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators, Energy Management with the Big Picture in Mind, How 2020 Evolved EHS for good: The pandemic and beyond, E-Book: Implementing an Advanced Corporate Climate Strategy, The State of Demand-Side Energy Management in 2020, How to Marry ESG & Financial Reporting to Reap Big Benefits. While sustainability goals must be designed to benefit the business, it is important that they include elements that position the company as a good corporate citizen. Goal 15. An important quality and sustainability criterion is … Jonathan now heads the Corporate Accountability practice at Reputation Partners, a communications firm based in Chicago. Each goal must make a meaningful impact on the company’s environmental footprint and make business sense. To accomplish these objectives, SAS is committed to achieving the following environmental goals: Publishing sustainability goals must be much more than an expression of hope and desire. The smart – and most successful – companies have been paying attention to this growing trend and setting goals for their corporate sustainability efforts. Meaningful goals cannot be set in isolation from the world at large. Your employees benefit from healthier and safer working conditions. Connect your goals with the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Formulate a strategy that encompasses both sustainability and business goals 3. The goals should be easily translatable into tangible benefits that meet stakeholder expectations. The company communicates closely with its key customers with its Global Key Account Management . They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.’ Senior management must be committed to the goals. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "corporate sustainability goals" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Sustainable Development Goals. A corporate sustainability strategy without goals would be like a ship without a rudder. Check out how @EnelXNA is helping @UMassBoston do just this! Amazon is committed to building a sustainable business for our customers and the planet. Reach for goals that will benefit the business and expand opportunities for the company. The best sustainability reports deliver significant internal management benefits. The Sustainability Core Team also supervises the approved sustainability initiatives and performance measures. The strategies created are intended to foster longevity, transparency, and proper employee development within business organizations. 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Their corporate sustainability initiatives are focused on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are centered on improved sustainability around food yields, reducing food waste, and eliminating antibiotics in animal production. Guide to Corporate Sustainability. SAS’ corporate social innovation initiative supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) to make the world a better place. Identify and communicate specific, measurable, and time-bound sustainability goals 4. This should be factored into the thinking when developing the goals. Good sustainability goals will help enhance the way the company operates across its entire business. Prioritize sustainability goals towards areas where you can make the most meaningful impact and generate the biggest results. Nevertheless, our study found six good practices of companies adopting a sustainability strategy: 1. More information can be found at Jonathan Wootliff is the former Communications Director for Greenpeace International and currently works with global corporations to build effective corporate accountability strategies, particularly on environmental issues. Here are four reasons to invest in corporate sustainability: Better for the environment. There clearly has to be a shared vision within any company as to where it intends to go. Corporate sustainability is an approach aiming to create long-term stakeholder value through the implementation of a business strategy that focuses on the ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic dimensions of doing business.