Bei der Namensgebung entschied man sich, zum dritten Mal in der Firmengeschichte von White Star auf Oceanic zurückzugreifen: Bereits zweimal, mit der Oceanic von 1871 und der Oceanic von 1899, hatte das Flaggschiff der Reederei diesen Namen getragen. Cuthbert Pounder, der Chefingenieur der Werft Harland & Wolff, bezeichnete den Entwurf als „history-making engineering achievement lost for the nation“ (historischer ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fortschritt, der für die Nation verloren ist).[4]. This new vessel, to be named Oceanic , was to be … Source: Dictionary of Disasters at Sea. Diese Kraft sollte dann in vier Elektromotoren mit je 7,3 m Durchmesser geleitet werden, die wiederum je eine der vier Propellerwellen versorgten. Offiziell sollte das Schiff die alternde Homeric ersetzen. The order was placed on 18 June 1928 and construction began on 28 June 1928, when her keel was laid. Ran aground on 10 December 1928, scrapped on site ... SS Cymric, which had entered service in February 1898, and RMS Oceanic, which was nearing completion at Belfast. RMS Oceanic Concept Ocean Liner Model Cruise Ship 1:400 Scale. Brand New. The order was placed 18 June 1928, and construction began almost immediately. 1927 war die White Star Line von der britischen Reederei Royal Mail Line übernommen worden. 1928-09-14 RMS Laurentic Passenger List. Konventionell waren hingegen die beiden Schiffsmasten und der „klassische“ gerade Steven. Went into liquidation in 1868 and bought out by Thomas Ismay who formed the Oceanic Steam Nav.Co. However, on 8th September 1914, she was ran aground and wrecked off the island of Foula, Scotland, and was the first allied passenger ship to be lost at war. 1927 war die White Star Line von der britischen Reederei Royal Mail Line übernommen worden. Das Design der Oceanic beinhaltete zahlreiche damals richtungsweisende Merkmale: So sollte sie ein modernes Kreuzerheck erhalten und ihre drei Schornsteine sollten elliptische Form bei relativ niedriger Höhe einnehmen. Bisher hatte die Reederei bei ihren Großbauten nur auf Größe und Komfort gesetzt (vgl. Details of DCrew; Reference: DCrew Title: CREW LISTS AND SHIPS' AGREEMENTS Description: These records consist of the Crew Lists and Ships' Agreements, with some Official (Crew) Log Books, which were required by law to be sent to the Registrar of Shipping and … Die Oceanic war ein 1928 von der britischen Reederei White Star Line bei der Werft Harland & Wolff in Auftrag gegebenes Passagierschiff für den Transatlantikverkehr zwischen Europa und den USA. Another set, drawn later the same year, showed a 935 feet long and 100 feet wide liner with three funnels. Surveying Details-----28 September 1916. R.N.R., Retd.) She had 2 funnels, 3 masts and 4 decks. RMS Oceanic (1899) interior Am 6. Der Bau des Schiffes wurde planmäßig begonnen, musste jedoch dann etwa ein Jahr später aufgrund der Weltwirtschaftskrise 1929 eingestellt werden, da White Star das Projekt nicht mehr finanzieren konnte. Mai 2019 um 20:54 Uhr bearbeitet. At the outbreak of World War I she was converted to an armed merchant cruiser. Mit der sich rasch verschärfenden Wirtschaftskrise verlangsamte sich dann aber der Fortgang zunehmend und mündete dann am 23. Based on the third set design drawn by Harland and Wolff, the ship would have measured at least 1000 feet long with a tonnage of 80,000 tons and have three squat funnels, making her appear like a larger version of Georgic and roughly the same size as her rivals SS Normandie and RMS Queen Mary, along with powerful engines which would potentially have enabled the ship to gain the Blue Riband record for speed. Steamship Line: White Star Line; Class of Passengers: Cabin; Date of Departure: 14 September 1928; Route: Liverpool to Quebec and Montreal via Belfast and Glasgow; Commander: Captain E. L. Trant, R.D. Oceanic je ime za več ladij, družbe White Star Line: RMMV Oceanic (1928), njegova gradnja se je začela leta 1928, vendar je bila leta 1929 gradnja ustavljena. One set, submitted in January 1926, showed a 900-foot (270 m)-long four-funnel liner. Zusammen konnten dann rund 200.000 PS für den Vortrieb des Schiffes genutzt werden, was Reisegeschwindigkeiten von 30 Knoten und mehr ermöglicht hätte. Another set, drawn later the same year, showed a 935 feet long and 100 feet wide liner with three funnels. Get great deals on eBay! 1000 Fuß) Länge gewesen und hätte mit ihrer projektierten riesigen dieselelektrischen Antriebsanlage einen bedeutenden Entwicklungsschritt hin zum modernen Schiffsantrieb bedeutet. From United States. Die Baukosten sollten sich auf ca. She sailed on her maiden voyage on 6 September 1899 and was the largest ship in the world until 1901. The work was slowed by a dispute over her powerplant; Lord Kylsant who controlled the White Star Line wanted to use diesel-electric instead of the traditional steam power. The final set showed the current 1,050-foot-long (320 m) design with three funnels and cruiser stern typical of liners being built in the mid to late 1920s. Ocean Liner 1895 Letter From RMS LUCANIA To USA. speed), This page was last edited on 23 December 2020, at 14:08. Die Einstellung des Baus empfanden Marinefachleute der damaligen Zeit als einen großen Verlust für den Schiffbau. Der Entwurf wurde massiv verkleinert und zur Grundlage der 1932 fertiggestellten Georgic. Juli 1929 eingestellt, verbautes Material abgebrochen. It was roughly the same size as Europa and Bremen. The order for the Oceanic was officially placed on 18 June 1928. The order was placed on June 18, 1928, and construction began on June 28, 1928, when her keel was laid. Das Gesamtgewicht der Antriebsanlage betrug mehr als 17.000 t, was etwa der Wasserverdrängung eines Schweren Kreuzers entsprach. She sailed on her maiden voyage on 6 September 1899 and, until 1901, was the largest ship in the world. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 8. A compromise of sorts was reached and the final design used four conventional low-speed 'cathedral' diesel engines, each directly driving one propeller shaft - which would have made Oceanic the first quadruple-screw Motor ship. From United Kingdom. Laid down on the 28th June 1928, the Oceanic would have been the first 1000ft ship in the world, she would have also been the first quadruple screw engine and been powered by four diesel engines generating over 200,000 horsepower, and most likely would have … 7 Millionen Pfund Sterling (Gegenwert Stand 2010: 317 Millionen Pfund Sterling bzw. The final set showed the current 1,050-foot-long (320 m) design with three funnels and cruiser stern typical of liners being built in the mid to late 1920s. Olympic-Klasse). C $1,911.00. She was broken up on the spot, a process which lasted until 1979. Die Oceanic wäre das einzige Schiff der White Star Line gewesen, das in allen drei wesentlichen Aspekten des Transatlantik-Wettbewerbs eine Führungsposition angestrebt hätte: Größe, Komfort und Geschwindigkeit. Find rms oceanic from a vast selection of Toys & Hobbies. The RMMV Oceanic (Royal Mail Motor Vessel) was the planned name of an unfinished ocean liner that was partially built by Harland and Wolff for the White Star Line. Deren Direktor, Lord Kylsant, war ein überzeugter Befürworter des Dieselmotorenantriebs auf Schiffen. On June 18th 1928, the order for the construction of the first vessel to exceed 1,000 feet in length was placed. Kolbendampfmaschinen bevorzugt. in 1869 (known thereafter as the White Star Line). The Royal Mail Case, as it was known, led to the imprisonment of Kylsant, and to substantial changes in accounting and auditing practice. The S/S Oceanic (2) was built in 1899 by Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast. Work began almost immediately with the keel being laid just ten days later. On 8 August 1914 she was commissioned into Royal Navy service. October 2020. Such a pity she never got built. RMS "Oceanic" was a transatlantic ocean liner that was built by the White Star Line, and sailed on its maiden voyage in 1899.. Beginning. The RMS Celtic was a ocean liner belonging to White star line.The first ship this large in gross tonnage. RMS Oceanic was a transatlantic ocean liner, built for the White Star Line. Schließlich musste dann endgültig auf einen Weiterbau der Oceanic verzichtet werden; die bereits nahezu vollständig ausgebaute Kielstruktur des Schiffes wurde in der Folge wieder abgebrochen. September 1929 wurde offiziell verkündet, dass es bis zu einer endgültigen Entscheidung über die Art des Antriebs (es herrschten offenbar – gerade in der finanziell schwierigen Situation – massive Bedenken über das technische Wagnis mit der Dieselanlage) keine Wiederaufnahme der Arbeiten geben werde. Die Oceanic hätte mit ihren Abmessungen, ihrer Bauweise und der Art ihres Antriebs neue Maßstäbe für den weltweiten Passagierschiffbau gesetzt: Sie wäre das erste Schiff mit mehr als 300 m (bzw. You actually sent me a scan of Oceanic a while ago from "Damned by Destiny". The ship was to have been the first 1,000-foot (300 m)-long ocean liner. Harland & Wolff was reluctant to adopt this system, preferring to continue the use of trusted steam turbine propulsion. White Star proposed having over 40 diesel generator sets driving four propellers through geared electric motors. Oceanic (II) At the time of her launch at Harland and Wolff, Belfast on 14th January 1899, Oceanic (II) was the largest ship in existence, and the first ship to be longer in length (but not tonnage) than Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s, SS Great Eastern, a British ship that had … After 15 years of service, the ship was commissioned by the Royal NAVY as an armed merchant cruiser. Digital drawing by Anton Logvynenko of the planned ocean liner RMMV. Kolbendampfmaschin… Bahnbrechend waren neben den Abmessungen (307,8 m Länge, 36,6 m Breite und mehr als 60.000 BRT Rauminhalt) vor allem die Eigenschaften der dieselelektrischen Antriebsanlage: Diese sollte aus insgesamt 47 6-Zylinder-Dieselmotoren bestehen, die zusammen rund 275.000 PS erzeugen konnten. Deren Direktor, Lord Kylsant, war ein überzeugter Befürworter des Dieselmotorenantriebs auf Schiffen. Passenger Lists from 1907-1908 available from the GG Archives from the Port of New York, (Ellis Island). Loans backed by the governments of England and Northern Ireland intended for the construction of Oceanic were diverted to the construction of the last two ships built for White Star, Britannic and Georgic. or Best Offer. ... RMS Majestic,1928 Ocean Dock Southampton SR. C $4,353.74. Die Oceanic (III) war ein 1928 von der britischen Reederei White Star Line bei der Werft Harland & Wolff in Auftrag gegebenes Passagierschiff für den Transatlantikverkehr zwischen Europa und den USA. RMS Oceanic on ollut kolmen White Star Linen aluksen nimenä.. Oceanic laskettu vesille 1870; Oceanic laskettu vesille 1899; Oceanic, köli laskettu 1928, työt keskeytettiin seuraavana vuonna, … The vessel ran aground on the rocks of Foula Island in dense fog. 380 Millionen Euro)[3] belaufen. Her tonnage was 17,274 tons gross, 14,731 under deck and 6,917 net. Die Verwendung dieses neuartigen Antriebssystems galt daher als großes Wagnis, da es noch nie zuvor entsprechend erprobt worden war. De Kerbrech: Ships of the White Star Line, Hersham 2009, S. 221f. It was roughly the same size as Europa and Bremen. Soon though the work in … The Royal Mail Motor Vessel Oceanic (III) was partially built by Harland & Wolff for the White Star Line from 1928 to 1929. It was owned at time of loss by the Oceanic Steamship Navy Co. On 8 August 1914 she was commissioned into Royal Navy service. Further work on Oceanic was postponed, and later cancelled due to the collapse of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, owners of the White Star Line, as a result of the financial problems of Sir Owen Philips, Lord Kylsant. Oceanic was the planned name of an unfinished ocean liner that was partially built by Harland and Wolff for the White Star Line.The ship was to have been the first 1,000-foot (300 m)-long ocean liner. 24 talking about this. One set, submitted in January 1926, showed a 900-foot (270 m)-long four-funnel liner. or Best Offer +C $35.70 shipping. :"For other ships of the same name, see Oceanic." Nach der Kiellegung am 28. RMS Oceanic was a transatlantic ocean liner built for the White Star Line. Mit Ausnahme der – allerdings mit konventionellen Turbinen betriebenen – United States von 1952, die 240.000 PS Maximalleistung erzeugen konnte, wäre die Oceanic somit das stärkste je gebaute Transatlantik-Passagierschiff gewesen. Zur Innenausstattung des Schiffes hieß es, dass es „fitted and furnished in the most luxurious manner“ (ausgerüstet und ausgestattet auf äußerst luxuriöse Weise) sein sollte.[4]. But by the time all parties had settled on the use of diesel, the Great Depression was hitting the shipping business. She was fitted with electric light and refrigerating machinery. Several sets of plans for the ship's design were produced by Harland and Wolff for Oceanic between 1926 and 1930. Oceanic ran aground in the Shetlands on 8 September 1914 and was declared a total loss. The RMS Oceanic was built in 1899 by the White Star Line to become the largest ship in the world. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. Her extensive interiors were to have been, to a large degree, based on the popular Art Deco fashions of the day pioneered on ocean liners by the French Line's SS Ile de France just a few years earlier in 1927. Experts have speculated, and evidently they think she would have been capable of winning the Blue Ribband, White Star's first (in a long time, if ever) liner to do so. Dimensions: Poop 75 feet long and forecastle 130 feet. Der Bau des Schiffes wurde planmäßig begonnen, musste jedoch dann etwa ein Jahr später aufgrund der Weltwirtschaftskrise 1929 eingestellt werden, da White Star das Projekt nicht mehr finanzieren konnte. One picture shows six crew members being lowered on an Oceanic lifeboat into the Atlantic while a second shows the small boat rowing towards the object in the water in the distance. Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/,,_1928)&oldid=188371769, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Arbeiten am 23. Years indicate year of entry into White Star service. (Cmdr. Da White Star zu dieser Zeit Planungen für den Bau eines neuen, großen Liniendampfers angestellt hatte, sah Kylsant seine Chance gekommen, die Eignung des Dieselantriebs auch für große Hochseeschiffe unter Beweis zu stellen – bisher hatte man für solche Entwürfe stets Dampfturbinen bzw. At the outbreak of World War I she was converted to an armed merchant cruiser. She would perhaps have been the greatest White Star liner of all. Bereits 1926 waren erste Designstudien angefertigt und die Öffentlichkeit über das Bauvorhaben der White Star Line in Kenntnis gesetzt worden. CUNARD Steam Ship Co. RMS Oceanic 1899 was a transatlantic ocean liner built for the White Star Line. The OCEANIC, built 1899, was taken over by the Admiralty for service as auxiliary cruiser. Postcard of the Oceanic III.jpg 492 × 480; 35 KB RMMV OCEANIC III Day version.jpg 1,500 × 1,072; 3.39 MB The ocean liner which has never been.jpg 1,039 × 857; 84 KB These two liners may have been built with steel plate ordered for Oceanic, whose partially built hull was subsequently dismantled and recycled after the aforementioned diversion of funds. White Star Line Fleet, History, and Services - 1907 | GG Archives. She was planned to be the largest vessel in the world and would have been the first 1,000-foot long ocean liner. The third Oceanic was laid down in June 1928. Cymric had initially been designed as a combination passenger and livestock carrier, thus was designed … I eventually found a copy myself - hence the appearance of the website. De Kerbrech: Ships of the White Star Line, Hersham 2009, S. 221. Da White Star zu dieser Zeit Planungen für den Bau eines neuen, großen Liniendampfers angestellt hatte, sah Kylsant seine Chance gekommen, die Eignung des Dieselantriebs auch für große Hochseeschiffe unter Beweis zu stellen bisher hatte man für solche Entwürfe stets Dampfturbinen bzw. Juli 1929 in einem kompletten Baustopp. She sailed on her maiden voyage on 6 September 1899 and was the largest ship in the world until 1901. The RMMV (Royal Mail Motor Vessel) Oceanic was the planned name of an unfinished ocean liner that was partially built by Harland and Wolff for the White Star Line.The ship was to have been the first 1,000-foot (300 m)-long ocean liner. A page celebrating White Star's turn of the century flagship! Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Construction halted on 23 July 1929; cancelled 1930, Diesel-electric drive; 47 six-cylinder, exhaust turbo-charged, four-stroke, single-acting diesel generators; 275,000 IHP (200,000 SHP), 28.5 knots (52.8 km/h; 32.8 mph) (service speed); 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) (max. Several sets of plans for the ship's design were produced by Harland and Wolff for Oceanic between 1926 and 1930. Juli 1928 bei Harland & Wolff in Belfast ging der Bau zunächst zügig voran. RMS Oceanic (1899), splovljen leta 1899, RMS Oceanic (1870), splovljen leta 1870. Good to hear from you again. Eines Schweren Kreuzers entsprach ) Länge gewesen und hätte mit ihrer projektierten riesigen dieselelektrischen Antriebsanlage einen bedeutenden hin... To be … RMS Oceanic was officially placed on June 18th 1928, and construction began on June 18th,! From `` Damned by Destiny '' built in 1899 by the White Star,! 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