Watch Film Here or click above Image. We have great strength in numbers. The documentary discusses the developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water. Sample Cover Letter for Forwarding Records per Appropriate Subpoena and Release Attachment: C. Sample Letter When No Release Accompanies Subpoena and All Documents Are Being Returned Attachment: D. Sample Letter for Returning Subpoena Previously Responded To. Regular sample distribution to reps The organizational environment in which projects are implemented is the focus of Chapter 3. He pronounced Bradley Manning guilty by accusation. Why does Washington want this hegemony so badly that Washington is willing to murder women, children, aid workers, husbands and fathers, village elders, anyone on earth including its own American heroes? Transhumanists embrace the idea of radical human evolution aided by technology. The plan nearly worked as the death of African American George Floyd triggered huge, coordinated acts of looting and vandalism all over the United States. Lots more articles on the NEW WORLD ORDER here, You’re currently reading “New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid Of Power,” an entry on, […] Vic here. This is publicly available evidence that the post war power structure is ending. When you look at each way they are killing us daily, many feel there is no larger agenda. A former US government intelligence agent who worked for the CIA during attacks on September 11th, 2001, has given a sworn affidavit stating that 9/11 was an inside job. The document makes it clear that the techniques detailed therein are to be applied both outside and inside the “continental United States (CONUS)” in the event of “unruly and violent crowds” where it is “necessary to quell riots and restore public order.” The most shocking aspect of the document is the fact that it describes the deployment of a “lethal response” directed against “unarmed civilians,” including “sniper response” and “small arms direct fire.” Under the heading “sniper response,” the document states, “Ensure that target leaders or troublemakers are targeted,” in addition to a passage which states, “Exploit the psychological effect of an attack.” Read article here, Asia’s dependency on rice cultivation for both subsidence and income is intuitively understood. They are solidly set against the concept of the nation-state and in particular, the Constitution of the United States. Obama has won reelection, and his supporters think that somehow things are going to be different. Watch film here. Read articles here and here, Manufactured Reality + A Politically Constructed History, The American people are prisoners of state terror and victims of totalitarian propaganda. We can not allow the masses to stay in their false reality bubble at the cost of millions of lives. Recently emails have been released outlining the deceit, conspiriacy and corruption. It then comes to a point in time when it is in the best interests of the powers that are in control to let the ponzi scheme they have created collapse. This control system needs to be inverted. The Pig in the Poke, 4. Read Article here, WARNING: Global Extermination In Full Effect, Our 12th film is called; WARNING: Global Extermination In Full Effect. Read article here, Truth11 Films | Techno Revolution + Self-Government System, Truth11 films latest short film is a call to action for peaceful instant global techno revolution, followed by a system that is already in place for global self-government. We must unite and organize ourselves with self government through internet automation. Read Article here, Truth11 Films | 911 Truth to Ticks and Leeches by Tool, An insidious brainwashing program set to be launched next week will “organically” weave the government’s political propaganda into prime time network television shows, with positive talking points about Obama’s environmental, bailout, health care and “servitude” agenda being seamlessly integrated into the content of dramas, reality shows and comedies. Read article here, 10 New Year’s Re-Solutions For Non-Violent Rebellion, Because our representative democracy has become a fraud, and the media and courts are clearly shills for the oligarchs, our only action appears to be non-violent rebellion; one person and community at a time. >> Organization Chart for Large Hotels intentional ignorance3. He wants it destroyed on his watch. Compiled and offered by psychologist and researcher Dr. Hugo Alberts (Ph.D.) who has been exploring the scientific side of positive psychology for the past 10 years, you can master the 6 pillars of emotional intelligence. The enemy is within the US government. But not for reasons you may be thinking | They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assetts are in the process of being seized | President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C. corporate swamp/cabal all along. The operation is carried out in the name of “Covid-19 control”, whose mortality rate has so far been less than 0.03% of the US population according to official data. Read article here. Today American citizens, once a free people protected by law, can be assassinated and detained in prison indefinitely without any evidence being presented to a court of their guilt, and they can be sentenced to prison on the basis of secret testimony by anonymous witnesses not subject to cross examination. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. The QAnon global patriot movement has a plan to fight the evil few. He called this “global security” and invited our gratitude. The criminal acts of the TSA are an affront to every citizen. The American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process. Then bombarded with massive amounts of gas. RAND researchers believed that as long as 10 million Americans survived a nuclear war, the war was won. The mark of the beast, a chip that will connect to the cloud and your cryptocurrency account, that is to be put in a mandatory, harmful, destructive and deadly vaccine, designed to interact with your body and send and receive data from the cloud. You’re currently reading “New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid Of Power,” an entry on The film enables us to understand what is going on and what to do about it. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. The toxic levels that are being used in these aerosols goes beyond shocking – it would appear that these levels are indeed criminal by EPA Standards; These figures indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit: Google – Bilderberg Merger = Planned-Opolis, This years agenda: Domestic Spying, Diffusing Social Protests, War On Syria and Iran + Lots More…. Ireland is now expected to be the first country to leave the Euro. The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree. THRIVE is an documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Fake black block. The Soviet Union killed over 1 million Afghans, while driving another 5 million out of the country and retreated as a bankrupted and defeated shell after ten years. In order to recognize government deceit, there is no substitute for more citizens to make more effort to find the truth for themselves. This film is a big picture understanding of the plans that are being carried out around the world to cull the population. Below are 13 of our films to watch and share freely. If they are foreign leaders, their country can be invaded. Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation. We need more of these. The same people in control, the same effect on the human population. The columns were cut at specific angles and lengths to promote collapse and ease of shipping. Read Article here___________DR Andrew Kaufman: There is no pandemic, the governments are faking the death counts (simply placing all deaths in the fabricated COVID category), all the governments are using a fraudulent RT-PCR machine to mark healthy people as infected (therefore driving a fear based case-demic of people who aren’t ill) plus the vaccine is designed to kill, cripple and/or cause infertility. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says. Free download available to customize the plan in … Read article here, The Big Picture Truth About The Global Warming Scam, Enough is enough of this complete bullshit, Several years ago, the sun was unusually active and all the planets in our solar system experienced a time of “global warming”. That means 13 out of 14 of us alive today according to their diabolical oligarch plan simply must die within the next few years. This footage shows an non edited timeline showing the second explosion without a plane. (The becquerel is a unit of radioactivity. Obamas drone program is CIA murder of innocent people and drones must be abolished. Read article here, George Bush Telling The Truth For A Change, This speech is created from clips of several speeches to tell us all what bush really thinks. Others simply hear what he says and base their opininon on that. Lets organize, unite and build it. “Official” 9/11 story destroyed! Read article here, Centralized government identity program dismissed as being too draconian for Communist China, A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk of identity theft while providing the government with a national ID system through the backdoor, paving the way for a world wide web in which users will need government permission to access the Internet. Most of these technologies begin with military applications, and only after a period of use by the military or black operations are they unveiled to the general public. Our latest film TRUTH11 FILMS | WIRELESS GENOCIDE | Microwave Radiation Part of the Depopulation agenda, will be released soon. Pregnant Women Included, Winter Solstice marks the Dawn of a New Age, Time to Update our Calendar System, 2. We are at 100% of GDP to service the debt. Read Article here. A powerful elite group first forms a goal, an objective. There is only one way war will end. This is not an American government at all. …In order to maintain the illusion of a democracy, we are still allowed a presidential election every four years; and no one president can serve more than two four year terms. Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama, Alex Jones latest documentary lays out in precise detail the long-running plot by a cabal of global elitists to take over the world and deliver humanity into grinding slavery and usher in a new Dark Age. Covering the education system, poisoning of citizens, fluoridation, and over medication of the population. The Grove hotel hosted Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference just a few short days prior to Bilderberg’s gathering. Genocide that fuels the military industrial complex and advances the fascist government that plagues the US, Canada, The UK and Australia and so on.. But, it’s not any one president who has become a dictator, it is the Office of the Presidency, and those faceless autocrats who control the presidency that has become dictatorial, without many of us ever knowing it. There is only one way war will end. United we are unstoppable. Q will not post again | You will receive no further messages on this channel from us until the operation is over. Stinnett, a decorated WWII veteran and author, requested files about the attack, and the events preceding it, through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Just when we had the opportunity to make a sensible decision by leaving Iraq and exiting the Middle East quagmire, Obama made the abysmal choice to casually sacrifice more troops in the Afghan shithole. Washington wages permanent ones. Bill Gates needs to be brought to the Military Tribunal. The Fed is the primary instrument the bankers are now using to destroy the middle class, hand over all public assets and resources to them, implement a crushing austerity, usher in a new era of global corporatist feudalism and build a sprawling planet-wide slave plantation based on China’s totalitarian model. Includes market analysis, strategy, more. Read article here, Destroy The Globalists, One Fat Cat Corporations At A Time, Many may ask, “How exactly can we boycott the globalists when they control everything?” The answer is by systematically boycotting and replacing them with local alternatives. The Large Hadron Collider is a dangerous instrument wielded by men and women seeking ultimate knowledge and power. Yet in nine years Congress has not once met to discuss the State of Emergency declared by George W. Bush in response to 9/11, a State of Emergency that remains in effect today. Watch film (click above video) or here. Red Cross has been there on the front lines collecting blood from war carnage, and we donate to them openly, the Queen and the rest of the reptile blood line that have been running our world for thousands of years must be exposed and stopped. Transport shut down. For over 150 years they have planned to take over the planet through money. Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt, who currently employs top transhumanist Ray Kurzweil as director of engineering, must have felt a kindred spirit at the Grove and its metallic humanoid sculptures. Wars are being waged, millions of innocent lives are taken for profit and greed. This system of revolution toppled a middle eastern dictatorship in less than a month. The following chart depicts break-even analysis: The math makes no sense any more, they need it to fail so they can start the next one hundred year pyramid scheme of fractional reserve banking. America was couped by the khazarian Roman Cult in the 1860s and through proxies, its agents have been destroying America from within every since. Informed, organized and connected using a system of self government with the goals of world peace and prosperity for everyone. The magnetron inside a microwave oven an be easily adapted into a very lethal ray gun – A typical cell phone tower,  “A giant microwave oven on a stick,” capable of releasing 3,000,000 watts (3 megawatts) of output power to the tower’s magnetron – or even more megawatts, if there is an amplifier at the top. While evil continues to envelop America, the public is focused on CIA director General Petraeus’ resignation. With All The Extreme Government Corruption, Why Are People Still Supporting The System With Money? The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. The Rothschild’s hijacked the medical industry with their more profitable germ theory framework and have perverted medical direction that promotes fake science. In your natal chart, Neptune’s house position is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, he … Article here, These clouds of dust were the result of pulverized concrete and thermite explosives. Well it does and it affects millions around the world. 1. On 16th July 1945, 69 years ago, the United States Army set off the Trinity detonation in New Mexico, the beginning of the infamous Manhattan Project. A great film documenting this current genocidal attempt by the elite. Not anarchy, that is where individuals rule themselves without concern for others. We can punish multinational companies who commit flagrant fouls on humanity and the environment by boycotting them. Read article here, Fake Death Of Bin Laden + The War On Terror False Flag Operation, By now, you are probably worn out from all the speculation about the actual events in Pakistan that claim the death of the public enemy No 1. The following day his car was disabled with a magnetic pulse and surrounded by tanks, robots, and a virtual army of Secret Service and FBI agents. With the power of the internet, email and activism, the truth movement is spreading, and the corrupt, evil, war mongering, genocidal few that are in power now, are loosing their grip on the world because people are learning the truth and doing something about it. Ability to effectively resolve provider issues Ability to read, interpret and apply complex rules and regulations, to communicate complex information in an understandable manner, and to motivate others who are direct reports Truth11 Films 2nd release: We are enslaved without mass protest due to propaganda. Welcome the True Global Revolution: UNITY = The rise of the 99%. New world order in full effect in police state Toronto. They ignore their own as it suits them. “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century.”- Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992 The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Minus Hitler and his bankster and industrialist backers, 160,000 troops would not have landed on the beaches of Normandy and 10,000 American, British, and Canadian troops would not have died. 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