The tank has been running for about 3 months. For advice from our Veterinary co-author on how to encourage your danios to breed, read on! still plays with tank mates, but seems to tucker out quickly. In terms of filtration, Zebra Danios are not demanding at all. Can humans get affected by dropsy. In addition, in some species of danios, the females are slightly less colorful and may have fewer stripes, especially on the fins. or is it a tumor or something o However, bear in mind that there is more than one cause of dropsy, so in some cases the infective agent could be contagious. I have a giant danio and i'm pretty sure it has dropsy. Look at the fish from directly above. pt. There are many different breeds, with different colors and patterns, and many of these breeds are very popular with aquarium hobbyists. No scientific evidence indicates that the gram-negative bacteria associated with dropsy in fish can transmit to humans. I have two platties. Danio has dropsy! In most cases, dropsy is the result of a bacterial infection caused by bacteria Aeromonas.Aeromonas is a bacteria that is commonly found in most fish tanks but it is only like to infect fish that are stressed due to overcrowding or poor water quality.Dropsy can also affect fish that have poor kidney function, a condition which may result in the absorption of water into the body cavity … Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn, and colloquially known as Dany, was the younger sister of Rhaegar Targaryen and Viserys Targaryen and only daughter of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella Targaryen, who were both ousted from the Iron … Although there are some types of fish that are hard to breed in an aquarium setting, danios breed well on their own. Since danios are not livebearers and female danios never carry fertilised eggs, this is as close as danios get to being pregnant. That sounds like your fish may have dropsy, which can be tough to cure. Dropsy: An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water. One of my Bronze Cory Cats as has quite a swollen belly but not as swollen as the Danio. I have a very pregnant zebra Danio. You should take a sample of water to a fish store and they could test it for you. I haven't noticed before today that one is very fat :( is he OK? I have two platties. but the strange thing was that it was huge all the time, so i wasnt sure if it was pregnant or not. The one male (i assumed) has been following her around. Then the skin started peeling off that area??? Aeromonas is one such bacterium that affects fishes with immune systems weakened by stress [1, 4].. I brought a medicin called Octozin but it sez it only cures EARLY STAGES of dropsy. Once a week, use a scraper to remove algae from the tank and replace 10 percent of the water with fresh water to keep the tank clean. Danios don't get pregnant, they lay eggs. All you need to do is keep both male and females fish in the tank, and they’ll eventually spawn. You can purchase the prepared antibacterial food for fishes or another way is to make natural antibacterial food at home by preparing a mixture containing fish food mixed with some antibiotics. Ive been watching my danios and one has a huge belly, I mean huge. If your female is carrying roe, your male danio will fertilise the eggs as they are dropped, during spawning. Danios will eat their own eggs not long after they have laid them. My leopard danio has this small, pea-size lump on his stomach and as a precaution I’ve moved him to my hospital tank (a few days ago). It looked bloated, and it looked like red - kind of like blood - inside the belly. My tank has been running for about 11 months, and I've had all these fish together almost the whole time, so they are not new to each other or the tank. They are all around 2-3 years old now. Note the temperature of water in the aquarium. Danio for Sale Click here for information about how to keep and care for Danios, including proper food, appropriate aquarium, compatible tank mates, and lifespan. The symptoms of dropsy are somewhat similar to that of pregnancy which is why the two conditions may get mistaken for each other. ratemyfishtank com disease tank: causes solutions. So that could enter into the bloating too. Goldfish don't get pregnant, as they are egg bearers. The tortured life, tragic crime of the only woman on death row If it is dropsy, the best bet is to immediately remove it to a hospital tank, so that it doesn’t spread. There is a lot of activity and in the wild, most of the eggs would be buried under a bit of silt where they would be safe from predators. Danios are small schooling fish. Clown fish; How do fishes get dropsy. In years gone by, a person might have been said to have dropsy. Remove Advertisements. They tend to become large and chunky with time. Is my Zebra Danio pregnant? Stress, often the principal factor behind the condition, may be brought about by ammonia … But you’ll be happy to hear that zebra danios are very easy to breed. r/Aquariums: The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! It’s a tropical freshwater fish that has minimal keeping requirements besides being relatively hardy. A pregnant zebra danio will carry the eggs until she is ready to lay them. If she looks wider than normal, she is probably carrying roe. I thought it was dropsy when the … A webmaster, website designer, graphic artist, accountant and musician (Jill of all trades, master of a few), she writes Today’s Horoscope for Shooting Star I haven't noticed before today that one is very fat :( is he OK? Then her stomach got big. its been 2 days like that Gouramies and Cyprinids (barbs, danios, etc) are prone to this disease. My friend has a striped Danio. Danios are egg layers, so Make sure the fish you are looking at is actually a female. Please give size of tank, number and kind of fish in it. Okay, we have 2 zebra danios as well as a few other fish in a 55 gallon tank. Danios are egg layers and unlike live bearing fish cannot become pregnant. If your female is carrying roe, your male danio will fertilize the eggs as they are I was a little sad, being the first time that I've had to euthanize one of my fish. The Danios 90% of the time eat what's on the surface, which is just blood worms and daphnia. The Zebra Danio (Danio rerio) is a freshwater fish species of the Cyprinidae family.They are a widely distributed species ranging from India up to Nepal. Does my danio have dropsy or is it pregnant? Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and … The eggs will fall through the gaps in these materials and the parents won’t be able to reach them. Causes. Know the causes, types, symptoms, treatment, home remedies for dropsy in humans. It is a 54 litre tank 30x30x60 I have 4 zebra danios a betta a salt and pepper platy and a bristlenose and I do not have testing kits. (patient) seem to sink while swimming. Z nim pokonasz Małego Głoda i wprawisz się w pozytywny nastrój! Since danios are not livebearers and female danios never carry fertilized eggs, this is as close as danios get to being pregnant. I know it's a female because I had ask already if it was male or female a long time ago, I just was curious if it was dropsy because she has never gotten pregnant the whole time I've had her. But more likely she ate too much, or (hopefully not) has bloat from some kind if illness like dropsy. the female have a larger stomach but that does not necessary mean its pregnant. (Maybe it's pregnant?) Cory Cat very fat, full of eggs, or bloated? Sponsored Links Fish Forums. The swelling caused by this disease may often be mistaken for a pregnant or egg-carrying fish. Hi, yesterday I purchased a 10 gallon fish tank from Big Als and I bought a heater, a filter, lots of artifical plants, blue,green,yellow,and white rocks, water pureafier, and finally the fish! one of Thus, the person might have edema due to congestive heart failure.. Edema is often more prominent in the lower legs and feet toward the end of the day as … Egg bound? You can do this by laying marbles or a loose-weave net over the bottom of the tank. The zebra danio (Danio rerio) is one of the most iconic fish in the aquarium hobby, and many people have owned this interesting fish at some point in their lives. Female swims and eats l... Is my african dwarf frog dropsy or pregnant. If she looks wider than normal, she is probably carrying roe. One of them is perfectly fine but the other is HUGE! Zebra danios may become more plump when laden with eggs, but it shouldn’t look like that. A common remedy for the condition is to feed the fish a small piece of cooked pea. one is increasing in size (the belly) at a relatively fast pace. Dropsy is a condition with several possible causes. I can't tell if two of my danios have dropsy or are pregnant. It is unlikely that you will see the mating process as it usually happens at night. Zebra Danio Tropical Fish Learn all about the Zebra Danio's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Aeromonas - Dropsy Protrusion of the scales, often reddish, body normal. I have 6 zebra danio 5 are boys and 1 is a girl it is fat and she is laying on the ground and the males are pushing her I think she might be pregnant and she's not swimming much so I was wondering if she is pregnant and if she is how long until the eggs come What is their usual gestation period for babies? today I came home and she is on the gravel behind a rock, still breathing very heavy but does not look good. Raise the temperature a few degrees to trigger the spawning around dawn as danios spawn in the mornings. Zebra Danio Looking Sick. Recently the 1 female zebra danio hid and didnt eat much just floated there. Make sure the fish you are looking at is actually a female. It acts as a laxative and often clears the problem. You can also remove the eggs from the tank with the parents in it, but this may be slightly trickier. Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and discussion. If your female is carrying roe, your male danio will fertilize the eggs as they are dropped, during spawning. Pregnant Zebra Fish. hey, i own 9 danio zebra fishes and i've noticed some are fat and others are slim. No idea, but had this happen with a couple female guppies and 3 zebra danio's.not pregnant, not swimming erratically, but they all died in about 2 weeks of developing the bloated gut. They look quite fat, I have tried to attack some photos. Male and female danios look very much the same, but if the fish in question turns out to be male he could actually be having some serious health problems. Look at your female danio. Danios are egg layers, so don't get pregnant. i also had a zebra danio that was really huge, up to the point where i was afraid that it was gonna explode! It could be full of eggs, or be egg bound, or maybe bloated. However, since the majority of Zebra Danios that are bred today are done so in captivity, they are incredibly hardy, and can survive and even thrive in pretty much any aquarium. However, if you carefully consider all of … Get them to write down the exact numbers for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Dropsy is not usually considered to be particularly contagious, so it should not spread to other healthy fish - dead fish should be removed immediately however, to avoid cannibalism. Couls this fish be pregnant, constipated or have dropsy. The dropsy has been going on quite a while since the scales didn't stick out and so i thought it just got fat. they would breed after they mature bout 6 … Female danios are generally fatter than male danios, whether they are carrying roe or not. If she was pregnant she would have expelled the eggs by now. he swims like a 9 month pregnant woman walks. You can then remove the parents from the spawning tank into a different tank. You’ll be surprised to know that Danios they don’t get pregnant, yet they still breed. In this situation, you should feed antibacterial food to your fish. And don't know what to do. So, noting the temperature will help you to figure whether the fish is carrying roe or there may be some othe… Danio fish usually spawn at temperatures in the low to mid 70s Fahrenheit. Or something else? I'd check the scales on the fish to make sure they aren't poking out (called pine-coning). I initally tried a salt bath (high aquarium salt level in separate container for 5 minutes or less, once a day) but it didn’t have any effect. I bought some clove oil (eugenol) and soon he was at peace. danios are one of the few fish that mate in pairs. She could have eggs though. Danios don't get pregnant, they lay eggs. I had a danio get dropsy a while ago, didn't bloat that much, just the pineconing. Dropsy commonly occurs due to infections resulting from gram-negative bacteria that thrive in unhygienic living conditions in aquariums [1]. If you suspect your female danio may be pregnant, it's important to find out for sure, so that you can prepare the tank for the baby fish, called fry. I feed the tank freeze-dried brine shrimp and bloodworms, daphnia, sinking wafers, fish flakes, and that's all. Since the eggs need to be fertilized, the male … I thought both were male. Hello. I've ruled out almost all disease, including dropsy, because it looks normal, just bloated. Even though they cant get pregnant, they do get gravid. Is this Dropsy or is femal Betta Fish full of eggs? Is she pregnant? Is my gourami pregnant or have dropsy or is she just fat?. I have a 90l Tank with four danio, two minnow and three others (can't remember what they are now). Followers 1. Advertisement . Dropsy is an old word for edema, which is a condition where there is accumulation of fluid in the body (beneath the skin, body cavities, interstitial spaces) leading to its swelling. the fish looks as though its pregnant, but we arent sure if it is this or Dropsy. After you introduce the danios to the tank, feed them a variety of food, such as fish flakes, brine shrimp, and blood worms. Since danios are not livebearers and female danios never carry fertilized eggs, this is as close as danios get to being pregnant. Zebra danio, pregnant or ... by blackghost [January 10, 2021, 11:11:08 am] MrChips's American Cichli... by MrChips [December 13 ... and symptoms of dropsy, i'm not sure what is going on or what to do with him. If you want the danio eggs to hatch, you will have to keep the parents from the eggs. If your goldfish are getting fat and then dying, this is more likely a case of dropsy rather than pregnancy. This pore little zebra danio has dropsy because he got bit on the stomach I will do another video more in depth about dropsy and if he survives soon. So here's the update: after about 48 hours of quarantine, my danio only seemed to get worse. Danio fish spawns in the temperature range of up to 78°F. can anyone please help? new tank owners with 3 zebra danios. Here's my experience and my answer. Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and … One of my Zebra Danio's seemed very swelled towards the front of the fish. Fingers crossed that she's pregnant! Watch your fishes' behavior. By entering this site you declare Ann LaPan travels exuberantly in body and mind via planes, trains, automobiles and superb literature. Dropsy? Atlas my ... Are betta fish and zebra danios compatible? My danios belly got big like that just before she dropped her eggs. Click on … They do not spawn in pairs, but in a group, scattering eggs and milt all around. One of my zebra danio's looks really plump, The scales are protruding a little bit and it also looks like there is a little red on the fish's belly. I’ve tried feeding them diced up (skin-less) english peas and it did seem to improve, but it’s back again. Since dropsy in fish is not a disease but a symptom of some other condition or infection, it may be contagious if the underlying cause is [4, 8]. As dropsy can be caused due to many reasons, from which, one of the most common reason is a bacterial infection. I have got 3 zebra danios, 2 99% sure female and 1 male. I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 pearl danios, 1 albino bristlenosed pleco, and 1 dwarf gourami. Your danio is very likely pregnant, though as females mature their bellies are more pronounced. I'm worried it is dropsy. Is it just fat or could it have dropsy. Could it be illness? Dropsy can also affect fish that have poor kidney function, a condition which may result in the absorption of water into the body cavity which causes the stomach of the fish to swell. Zebra Danios get their name from their apparent “Zebra like” stripes. We're also here to help … Zebra Danios will thrive in waters that are consistently between 65 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and they prefer soft to medium hard waters with a pH of 6.5 to 7.2. Female live bearing fish drop fry about once a month and stay pregnant so long as they are healthy. Hi please help. he is still bloated and pine coned. One way to find out whether your zebra danio is pregnant or not is by paying attention to the temperature of water in your aquarium. She could have eggs though. little by litte, revealing more bloody-red parts.. please help!!!!! Is dropsy contagious to other fishes. I'm worried it is dropsy… Serek homogenizowany Danio to pyszna i pożywna przekąska. If the scales appear to stick out like pine cone segments, the fish has dropsy. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! If so how to clean a tank which has dropsy. Dropsy is when you notice the scales standing up and away from the fish. For her great-great-grandfather, Daeron II's sister, see "Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of Aegon IV". Look at your female danio. Today, as I was about to do another of my weekly 25% water changes, I … Pt. Zebra Danio Looking Sick Sign in to follow this . Zebra danio, pregnant or ... by Shazz [January 07, 2021, 10:33:33 pm] MrChips's American Cichli... by MrChips [December 13, 2020, 10:34:52 am] one for Ian (plankton) by Stephen [December 12, 2020, 01:09:27 pm] Diatoms never going in ma... by Stephen [December 07, 2020, 08:09:30 am] Bruno's Proxima 325L by Bruno [December 04, 2020, 04:42:21 pm] it didnt look or act sick though, no scales sticking out or anything. Danio seems to not be in pain, but is getting slowly worse as it has started swimming in the lower half of the tank when its norm is the top half. Danios and Devarios: Breeding Danios and Devarios. how to treat dropsy in aquarium fish how to treat dropsy in aquarium. Treating dropsy in aquarium fish how to prevent treat and eliminate your tank cure goldfish dropsy: 15 steps (with pictures) wikihow what is do i it? the female will lay her eggs in the gravel which are then fertilized by the male. Dropsy is an old medical term for a condition that today would be more likely called edema or ascites—the swelling of soft tissues in a body cavity, such as the abdomen, due to an accumulation of water and other fluids.The English term derives from the Middle English word dropesie, from the Old French word hydropse, and from the Greek word hydrops, which is itself … Is DROPSY contagious? However, I would make sure that your Zebra Danio does not have something called Dropsy/Malawi Bloat because many beginners can confuse it with the fish being gravid considering the symptoms of Dropsy is bloating. 340k members in the Aquariums community. Do you test your water for high ammonia, nitrite and nitrates? 339k members in the Aquariums community. You might want to do a couple 30% water changes a week and think about upgrading your tank size. Zebra Danio Tank Conditions Although Zebra Danios can be found in a variety of different environments in the wild, they do prefer to live in water that has a small amount of current. I had a danio get dropsy a while ago, didn't bloat that much, just the pineconing. So about 15 gal. We thought she was pregnant for a while, but she just kept getting bigger and bigger and now she's her current size and has been for a while. Although dropsy is not usually contagious, it is a good idea to isolate any sick fish from those that are healthy so you can treat the ill fish before returning them to the community tank. This one has gotten a lot more round than the other one I have in the tank. She's been huge for a few months and … And I always do water changes once a week 25-40% and it's a 30gal. If it is much cooler or warmer than this it is unlikely that your danio is carrying roe. Dropsy is when you notice the scales standing up and away from the fish. If the temperature is lower or higher than this range than it is unlikely that your danio will be carrying roe. Danios like to spawn in the mornings. Hi. If your fish chase each other quite a bit at this time, you female may be carrying roe, and the fish may be spawning or near to spawning. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! However they will increase in size when ready to lay. i've noticed mine are fat but i've not tempted to breed them. Bloating, better known as Dropsy is a serious health condition that affects aquarium fish. I have 6 zebra danio 5 are boys and 1 is a girl it is fat and she is laying on the ground and the males are pushing her I think she might be pregnant and she's not swimming much so I was wondering if she is pregnant and if she is how long until the eggs come You might be disappointed to find out that zebra danios can’t become pregnant – they are not livebearers. I am really concerned about my pearl danio. This species is one of the most common aquarium fish due to a number of different reasons. With the BN needing a 30 gal, and the others needing a 20 gal, you could be dealing with a water quality problem. Fish may also appear off-colour and listless, and may stop feeding. Could it be illness? In fact, if you see this type of near-violent behavior between male and female fish, your danios may have already spawned and produced eggs. Infection of scales and skin (bacterial) Pop-eye (exophthalmus) Gas embolism, copper poisoning, various diseases. Google turns up inconclusive. you read and agreed to the. In addition to their attractive coloring and stripes, the zebra danio has a well-founded reputation for being a playful and curious fish and makes an excellent addition to almost any community fish tank. When she’s ready, the midsection of her body will bulge in circular protrusions. Saltwater tropical fish. I thought both were male. Is my red cap oranda ok? But more likely she ate too much, or (hopefully not) has bloat from some kind if illness like dropsy. Today one would be more descriptive and specify the cause. This sounds like contipation or dropsy. A laxative and often clears the problem get to being pregnant female danios never fertilised! 3 pearl danios, whether they are n't poking out ( called pine-coning.! 'S sister, see `` Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of Aegon IV '' more... 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