Eight Brocades and the Longevity Teachings of Li Qingyun Course. Commitment to all five classes -- we will work progressively. Practicing this movement strengthens the muscles of the hands, arms, chest, waist and thighs. Practicing this movement helps build good posture. Also, people with lower back stiffness or pain should not bend deeply. Gradually over time your flexibility will increase. (Try and work up to two shoulder widths.). This movement is also known as “Rotate Head and Trunk”, “Search the Clouds”, “Sway the Head and Wag the Tail” and “Shake Head and Sway Buttocks to Extinguish Fire in the Heart”. If practiced routinely, this practice will improve your health significantly. Details of practicing the Ba Duan Jin i.e Eight Brocades Medical Qigong, not only the movements but also breathing and meditation techniques;3. This movement will strengthen legs and waist. That’s what makes them ideal if you want to benefit from the many physical advantages of Qigong. do this on both sides for 5 reps each side, stand in horse stance with your hands on your hips at 90 degrees, you should face north when doing this exercise, turn left while pivoting your waist to face right(90 degrees from facing forward). Simultaneously punch, now you can adjust this to your mood, if angry then punch hard and forcefully allowing your angry energy to be thrown out as you exhale at the point of hitting. Inhale as you shift your weight to the right, turn your chest to the right, and your tailbone to the left. General Yue Fei, was a hero of the Southern Song Dynasty, and all of China since. By completing these qigong movements, you should notice improved health, increased energy, reduced stress, a revitalized mind and body, improved balance, and an overall sense of well-being. "8 Brocades of Chinese Qigong" sometimes also called Chi Kung or Qi Gong, and also called "Ba Duan Jin"! Exhale as you sink and cross your arms in front of you with the right arm in front of the left. The bears in our header are doing Eight Pieces Brocade Qigong! Repeat and work up to being able to do eight repetitions. Qigong can harmonise, strengthen, and have a healing effect on the functioning of all … PS : I have created a printable PDF for your convenience so that you can print it and use it as a reference when practicing at home you can download it here:8 Section Brocade, In the beginning you should do 5 repetitions of each exercise shown in the video , after a while  slowly increase it to 24. the 8 section brocade is a fascinating qigong form with a long and colorful history, Marshal Yue Fei created the 8 section brocade (also known as the Ba Duan Jin) in the 12th centaury – To improve the vitality of his soldiers. Furthermore, physical exercise is the main focus of the 8 Brocades. (but feel the impact through the body). The second reason is that these exercises can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age and physical condition. Benefits: balances and replenishes the kidney meridian, strengthens your root through the low horse stance, strengthens lower body. The Eight Brocades are a set of qigong exercises that originated in China and have been practiced throughout the world for thousands of years. Step left to a wide Horse stance. Your right elbow is bent. Now, more than ever is a good time to focus on our health and longevity. See the energy traveling out of your fist. The 8 Brocades (Chinese Baduanjin) of Qigong are relaxing exercises, which are especially suitable for beginners. Benefits: stimulates the yin meridians and the governing vessel so most of the lower meridians and all the solid organs of the body, check above for the illustration. Five Animals has several different names. Work up to being able to do 8 repetitions. Continue to raise your hands overhead holding both hands as if to hold the sky. If you are calm, then do  a relaxed qigong punch. 8. The Seated Eight Section Brocade is an ancient set of exercises designed to wash the internal body thereby clearing the energy channels from blockages and strengthening the internal organs and Qi or energy. Even within our lifetimes, our world has seen significant transformations in every aspect: technologically, socially, culturally, and even spiritually. Conditions & Functional Medicine Treatments, Medical Conditions Associated with Autism. Pull the Bow. Simplified versions, such as the Eight Brocades have been developed so they can be taught to, and practiced, by a large number of people with minimal training. At the same time, extend your right hand to your side, palm down with your fingers pointing to the front. Draw your abdomen in and bend your knees slightly to grasp your toes (if possible). Healing Qigong provides the best educational information on qi qigong, qigong tai chi, and qigong for healing. Work up to being able to do 8 repetitions. Exhale as you punch out slowly with the left hand. Baduanjin is a very popular qigong set, ideal for beginners. In this workshop he addresses the general principles of practice for QiGong and TaiChi practices, the specific health benefits of the 8 Pieces of Brocade postures and takes us through how to properly stretch the “fascia” lines in the eight movements. The reasons are many. It's reported to have first been taught by Marshal Yeuh Fei around 1100 AD to improve the health of his soldiers. One of these is the wisdom that Qi Gong can teach […] Regular practice is believed to improve organ function and overall wellbeing. Work up to being able to do 8 repetitions. Inhale and raise your hands over your head while arching your back. Note in order to really benefit you must keep the practice of cultivating the qigong for 100 days, you will however feel the benefits fairly immediately. This movement is also known as “Carrying the Moon”, “Nourishing the Kidneys”, “Touch the Sky, Press the Earth”, and “Touch Toes to Reinforce Kidneys”. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart with knees relaxed. Eight Pieces of Brocade is a form of gigong. 4. This movement is also known as “Punching and Glaring”, “Punching with Angry Gaze”, and “Clenching Fists and Looking with Eyes Wide Open”. basically you face left and right but in a low horse stance position, you can move your legs to accommodate. 2. Many theories abound about the origin and development of the Eight Section Brocade Chi Kung. Spread your feet so they are two shoulder widths apart … begin with a relaxed stance not too low ie not horse stance. Qigong For The Seriously Ill. This is also good for the release of emotional pain. Exhale and return to the starting position, with both palms up at stomach level. Gather the Energy and Return to the Tao According to TCM, practicing this movement, enhances the function of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Inhale as you drop your arms, palms down, in an arc to your side as your body floats up. Your eyes are wide open and glaring. Mar 4, 2013 - "8 Brocades of Chinese Qigong" sometimes also called Chi Kung or Qi Gong, and also called "Ba Duan Jin"! Continue raising your left hand until your left arm is extended over head with your palm up and fingers pointing to the right. Keep up to date with us. San Jiao- is stimulated by the first move in the 8 section brocade form, and thus if you have tinnitus – practicing the 8 section brocade will help. Inhale and relax as you bring your left hand back to the starting position. Inhale slowly and raise your hands to overhead(like in the picture) palms still facing you. Qigong benefits the stimulation of energy pathways, called meridians, which balance out and strengthen the modern day stressed-out body.. By stimulating the meridians, your body comes back into alignment and regains its natural ability to heal efficiently. Sink your shoulders. This movement is also known as “The Wise Owl Gazes Backward”, “Looking Right and Looking Left”, and “Looking Behind”. Working video camera. Ba Duan Jin (The Eight Pieces of Brocade) was developed during the twelfth century by the famous general Yueh Fei as a way to strengthen the body, to balance the vital functions and to drive stagnant energy and toxins from the system. The Eight Brocades These famous and widespread Qigong exercises are at least 800 years old. Make a tight fist with both hands & hold both fists at waist level with palms up. If practiced routinely, this practice will improve your health significantly. Static qigong refers to meditation in sitting, standing, and lying-down postures. Work up to being able to do 8 repetitions. This is the qigong practice of the 8 Brocades, or Baduanjin. Visualize the energy or qi entering this area while you inhale then visualize the toxins being released as you exhale. Creve Coeur, Inhale as your turn your head slowly to the left. Look straight ahead and gaze into the distance with your arms extended down at your side. Repeat . Benefits: strengthens and revitalizes the liver. The Brocades are especially good for anyone with lower back problems. For over 900 years the 8 Pieces of Brocade Qigong has been used to train martial artists in building strength, flexibility and endurance. 3. With your mind concentrating as if to lift up the sky with one palm and pressing down the earth with the other. Repeat steps 3-5 on the other side (ie extend your right hand). Many thanks to Sifu Andreas from  http://www.taichichuanberkeley.com/ for allowing me to use the little chinese men images from their website – and thus making this page that much easier to understand! According to TCM, this movement benefits the lungs and heart, rids of heart fire, and causes the kidney-yin to ascend. Do not over bend. Benefits: Bouncing on your toes, aside from a good calf workout is said to help rid the body of many diseases and stimulate healing and immune system. Use a spiral motion and end with the left fist palm down, at chest level. The Eight Pieces of Brocade health maintenance qigong. 11477 Olde Cabin Road, Suite 100 As you warm up, turn your head farther each time. Go at a pace and do the number of repetitions which matches your fitness and health level. I would suggest that you do them each morning. While in a lower horse stance, the practitioner imitates … Each movement focuses on a different meridian to improve the flow of qi throughout the body. Start with feet widely space and knees bent in hose riding position. ... One that has been around for many hundreds of years and is a great starting place is The 8 Brocades. Hi Im Brian Colborne, I have been studying qigong in various forms since around 2004, I learnt Healing qigong from Master Andy Hu and Chen style taiji & qigong from Sifu Jun Ping Liang when I was in South Africa. Extend your right arm to help you turn to the left. Qigong Meditation for Beginners: Start With 8 Pieces of Brocade. bring your arms to your lower dantien(navel area) as if you are cradling a tennis ball in both hands and bring it slowly up to your middle dantien(heart) area, exhale slowly as you push out with both hands going forwards from this point (as if you are pushing someone, bend forward at the hips but keep a straight back (this will pull your hamstrings)and go down as low as you can, and try touch the floor with both hands- all the while exhaling, feel the earth energy(yin) and inhale as you bring it back up with you, trace your inner legs beginning with ankle and calf area and up past inner thighs & groin back up past the lower dantien(inhaling all the way and pulling the earth energy with you) back to the heart area, put your hands on your lower back in the kidney area and massage gently, stand with your legs about shoulder width apart, bounce down with reasonable force ie allow yourself to bounce on your heels, you should feel the force of the movement throughout your body, obviously don’t do it so hard you hurt yourself in any way, just bounce lightly. I got most of this information originally from reading a wonderful book by Jack Crutchley, called “Live Longer Live Stronger ISBN 1920084126”. Drawing the Bow and Letting the Arrow Fly. It contributes to the ascending of spleen-qi and the descending of stomach-qi, thus promoting the digestive functions. It is a Qigong course all in itself, … Bend your knees and squat down lower. Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight Brocade, Ba Duan Jin. Dynamic qigong refers to moving meditation, which can also take on many forms . Imagine fire, determination, courage, or toughness. It focuses on the kidneys and spleen. Health Benefits of Qigong. At the same time, they serve as a good basic foundation for the future study of Qigong. Inhale as you raise your hands, palms up. Gradually, work up to eight repetitions of each movement. Drawing the Bow and Letting the Arrow Fly. Repeat punching with both hands. According to TCM, this movement helps stimulate and revitalize the liver and will strengthen your physical power and energy. Olivier Di Tullio is a certified and experienced TaiChi, QiGong and Yoga instructor. Work up to being able to do eight repetitions. The Eight Pieces of Brocade is a Qigong exercise that focuses on body alignment which Federation cusses on the importance of coordinating body movements with breathing and a relaxed mind. At the same time thinking of the sky, earth and yourself as a whole unit. This is a stretch of the neck to the left and the right in an alternating fashion. Move slowly, time your movement with your breathing. He is one of those rare individuals who live the way so deeply as to be synonymous with it. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Gaze behind you as far as you can. 636.778.9158 Repeat Drawing the Bow on both sides. This classic qigong set is recognized worldwide for it's healthful benefits. answers@crossingbacktohealth.com. It is the best, all-around qigong routine for health and wellness. They are used for gently training the intrinsic health of the muscles, joints, connective tissues, digestion, the spine, and more. Learn the teachings of Li Qingyun, a Taoist sage who lived for 250 years (1678–1933), on how to avoid unnecessary health problems, live long and enjoy life to the fullest. Useful tool and guide to using the 8 section brocade for specific health benefits, Also throughout this form various pieces of the brocade deal with cleansing and stimulating the various meridians, I decided to include this chart to refresh your memory and see the benefits more clearly,  the outside text in rounded squares deals with associated symptoms of aggravation, so doing the appropriate Qigong will help alleviate those symptoms over time. Starting Position: Wu Ji. Benefits of Qigong Qigong is a powerful system of health, which has effects on many levels. stretch in this movement and go onto your tiptoes. Turn your eyes so you are looking out of the corner of your eyes (backwards & downwards). Step left into a wide Horse stance. Now repeat with the opposite right hand up and left hand down. The Eight Brocades engage the physical body … Things to consider before beginning the form: It is not strictly necessary to start with meditation but I find it helps to relax and breathe deeply for about 3 minutes, and use the time to calm the mind, bring it into reign and calm down, regulating the breath and taking the time to get a calm relaxed yet strong posture, if you want to read more about this please look at my section dealing with the 3 intentful corrections, as they are the foundation and base of all qigong practice. I will be offering individual support and suggestions as we train together, so please do have video capability. The www.egreenway.com site has a fantastic explanation of how to do each element of the 8 Brocades. Movement Name: Drawing the … Background knowledge of the Ba Gua i.e. After reading all the benefits of Qigong meditation, you must be itching to try it out! A wide Horse stance improves the muscles of the thigh. If someone has limited movement or is bedridden, this can sometimes … Please give it a try for at least 90 days and you will be amazed at the benefits you will experience. Given its history, it was inevitable that the Eight Brocades would give rise to variations. However, despite the rapid evolution of humankind, there are some things that remain timeless. Extend your left arm to help you turn to the right. Drawing the Bow: While in a horse stance (feet wide apart, knees bent, tail bone tucked under, back … Drawing the Bow and Letting the Arrow Fly. Make sure you have a straight back and your knees are centered over your toes. the ultimate goal of this is to increase health and vitality and increase compassion and leads to possible enlightenment! Exhale as your release the right hand and let the arrow fly. At the same time pull your right arm to the right side holding the string with your right hand as if drawing a bow. 63141 The next reason, very important to many people, is that if you practice thi… According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, practicing this movement helps to regulate the Triple Burner, and relieve fatigue by activating the fluid flowing in the Triple Burner and ensuring proper nourishment throughout the body. To end, step with your left foot back to the Wuji stance. Benefits: this exercise directly increases your life force and energy, affecting longevity personal power and health. Engenders courage and fortitude. Rise up on your toes (if possible) as you extend your arms, palms facing the sky, fingertips close together and eyes watching your hands. According to TCM, practicing this movement helps your lungs, immune system, and large intestines. The Baduanjin qigong(八段錦) is one of the most common forms of Chinese qigong used as exercise. At forehead level, your palms should be facing front. Benefits: Cures energy depletion and consumptive illnesses, as it works the entire spine much like a wringed out cloth, it gets rid of nagging stiff muscles and pinched nerves, this exercise really improves your vitality, focus and energy levels, it also wards off aging and is very beneficial for back pain all along the spine. Repeat Separating Heaven and Earth movements on both sides. Piece 2 Drawing the bow to shoot the hawk. Shifu Michael Rinaldini taught me to go within and most of the real meat and bones of qigong and daoist theory, in fact most of the content of this blog is a result of his homework assignments! Stand with your feet in a comfortable stance. Each movement focuses on a different meridian to improve the flow of qi throughout the body. According to TCM, it strengthens the digestive system and aids in prevention of gastrointestinal disorders. The Brocades are considered a medical qigong, and are used for health restoration and enhancement. It enriches the essence and blood, calms the mind, and promotes organ functioning. Here is the 8 Section brocade (baduanjin) as promised, I tried to find the best video for instructional purposes, on youtube, as there were a lot of fancy ones that look pretty but will bore your socks off unless youre seriously dedicated to taichi and qigong. Eight Pieces of Brocadeis often the first set of the Qigong exercises introduced to the beginners. Eg. Sifu Liang introduced me to some cool taoist practices that are simple yet profound, such as taoist meditation. Inhale as you lift your hands, palms up, to stomach level. Work up to being able to do 8 repetitions. Exhale as you return your head to the center. . Eight Pieces Brocade and Five Animals Frolic Qigong lessons on DVD. Place hands just above your knees with your thumbs on the outside of your legs and your elbows pointed to the side. Qigong has, among other benefits, the powerful effect of healing the bodily systems. We provide you with the do’s & don’ts to achieve your optimal health. the Eight Brocades - long term experience and benefits Ba Duan Jin, the Eight Brocades, is a series of Qigong moves that is extremely widespread in Chinese spiritual arts (I don't use the word martial, and that's just me), including Kungfu. Exhale as you lean forward, with your arms reaching towards your toes. Lifting Up the Heels. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Place your hands just below your navel over the lower dantien (center of qi) and breath while rotating your hips. Repeat looking on both sides. Healing Yourself With Qigong – Free Course, Online Qigong Training:Best Ive come across yet, Slow your breathing, especially the out breath to slow and help you, Stand relaxed with fingers interlinked palms facing you. Like all of the Eight Brocade, the exercises are designed to improve health and flexibility by patient, regular practice, over a period of time, and it is essential that you protect your back and that you are comfortable at all times. The lower dantien stores energy or qi. Benefits: balances clears and makes the the triple warmer/heater meridian (sanjiao) flow properly in balance which is primarily associated with endocrine system and our fight or flight response, an unhealthy triple heater can result in issues such as ADD, Chronic fatigue, Anxiety and panic attacks as well as insomnia and tinnitus, practicing this qigong will benefit all these conditions. Repeat. MO Many things have changed since the early beginnings of Qi Gong. Your right and left arm should be in a straight line. The left arm will be crossed in front of the body, the right arm will create the “L” shape and the left hand will hold the string. (for longevity), stand in horse riding stance (ma pu) slightly, not as intensely as drawing the bow, place hands in a position as if youre holding a beachball with one hand on top and one below, raise your top hand  until its in the position in the picture above your head, with your other hand you  put it palm facing the floor fingers facing your leg(pity it doesn’t show this in the image), now create a nice stretch with your hands (should feel a definate tingle), face forwards and raise both arms to the hips, clench fist gently and raise your elbows (as if you have just picked up a barbell and are at the bottom of a bicep curl), pivot towards the left with your whole body(without changing your footing, so you twist to face 90 degrees left. there is also a sitting form which was used by Li Ching Yun almost his entire life and he lived over 200 years!, I will post more on this later. The Eight Brocades are a set of qigong exercises that originated in China and have been practiced throughout the world for thousands of years. Exhale as you sweep your arms to the side, with your palms facing down, until you are standing flat footed. As you are completing this movement, place your attention on the bubbling wells in the bottom of your feet. Benefits: balances and replenishes the kidney meridian, … now move your body left and right (imagine you are standing between two walls of glass so you cant move forwards or backwards, you can only arc left and right – so that you become the shape of a crescent moon –imagine the guy in the picture stretching left and right in that position- that is exactly what you must do. Pull the Bow is the most complex of the 8 brocades. This makes sense even in western medical theory as it would stimulate the lymph to flow – the bouncing. This movement will stretch and lengthen the muscles of the lower back. Repeat steps 3 – 6 on the right side. Raise both hands above the head with the palms facing upward, as if holding up the heavens. Try to work up to two shoulder widths. According to TCM, this movement stimulates various meridians in the body. Inhale as you slowly roll up, vertebrae by vertebrae. This set is very simple to preform and only takes about 15 minutes. So I found one that was clear, to the point and presented each movement once. Warning: If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, don’t put your head below your heart. The first reason is that the theory and the method of practice are enough simple and comprehensive also for the beginners. Master Andy Hu taught me some deeper practices such as how to set up a daily meditation & qigong waidan practice Previous experience practicing the 8 Silk Brocades (suggested minimum: three months, DVD practice included) or min 6 months of regular qigong. The eyes should follow the… It stretches the muscles in the arms and shoulders. stand in a horse riding stance, ie wide legs like in the picture, your arms are at your sides, bring them up and cross them in front of you, extend your left arm out and put your index finger out(this motion should look like you are drawing a bow) while simultaneously drawing your right hand back as if pulling on a bowstring(see picture), now feel your chest open as you draw the bow, your backs shoulder blades should come together like you are trying to squeeze a cigar between them, with your index finger out you should feel  a weird tingling in your finger, this is stimulating to the vagus nerve and is a health benefit of its own. At chest level, start turning your palms out. The Eight Brocades are most often considered a medical qigong exercise set. Inhale as you extend your left arm out to the left with your pointer finger and thumb creating an “L” shape. 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