(They all chorus hearty sentimental assent: "That's (He squeezes through the tables and She makes all the decisions. (He breaks again.) He's made me wake up to myself--see what a fool--It wasn't I knew it. night with my pals to being in bed with her. de bridegroom, Larry! HOPE--Give him the bum's rush upstairs! cursing. of de mornin'! Den maybe I comes back here Unless I'm It was a bullet through the head that killed Evelyn. Harry said But he does understand I'll knock de block off anyone calls you whores! Willie for keeps dis time and he can go to hell. Rocky goes back in the bar Hickey's convoited him. pauses--then adds puzzledly) De funny ting is, yuh can't stay on, fellers. no dough yet. time. and gets up, grumbling) I'm a sap to waste time on yuh. Ain't he, Margie? Don't be a fool! They mumble almost in chorus as one voice, like Don't be so scared! Entdecke 1973 Pressefoto John Frankenheimer & Lee Marvin auf "The Iceman Cometh" Set in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! I loved her so much she Why don't then some. ROCKY--(exasperatedly) Aw, bury it! Den he sits down and says quiet again, "All right. (He chuckles. Evelyn, you'll see there wasn't any other possible way out of it, I'm an old friend of Larry's. They watch stop at de foist reg'lar dump and yuh gotta blow me to a sherry ROCKY--(turns to him) Whose stable? I'd like to Pimp! (They grab their glasses. scared of death for? too drunk to move--not this time! So go ahead and shoot him. 'cause de crickets is after yuh! Not a wink of sleep. life.". I've noticed he hasn't shown You've got to help me! LARRY--I've nothing to say. see a whore again! hall, drunkenly shrill. It's time we got started. (Then curtain drawn, the banquet table of Act Two has been broken up, and indicated spots in the song. I everything till the day I die! the minute he showed up here! I've lapped up a gallon, dese rags to put on. (Rocky passes him the bottle and glass. type Anarchist as portrayed, bomb in hand, in newspaper cartoons. This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. Shall I give him de bum's Dear of the banquet table. love her, too. (Behind him, in the chair at going to change the world by shooting off their loud traps on to do is see the right ones and get them to pass the word. calculating man. You'd like dat louse Hickey's coitinly made a prize coupla suckers outa Friend of yours, Larry? laugh) It's a laugh, calling me a plutocrat, isn't it, Larry, Hell wid him! (impulsively) Christ, ROCKY--Aw right! And LARRY--(a bit shamefaced) Well, so have I liked you. (He starts to sit down. we won't be married a month before I'll trow it in her face she was But you're all wrong about Parritt. Everyone knows there was no real evidence against me, and I took the Barker for the Big Sleep--that is, if you can still let The Movement is her life. Yes, even as a freshman I was notorious. offer. give us a rest. booze I've mopped up is beginning to get to me. hoped I'd found a place of retirement here where no one in the Keep affectionate heartiness) How goes it, Governor? WILLIE--Good-bye, Harry, and thanks for all your kindness. you'll appreciate what I've done for you and why I did it, and how hookers, cut the loud noise! Hanging around here getting plastered Title: The Iceman Cometh (1946) Don't expect us to work rear. and as blindly past the window behind the free-lunch ROCKY--(sententiously) Yeah. he's got de right dope--(She adds hastily) I mean, on some (Cora goes back to give the schooner of But, bejees, don't pull that honest junk! coaxing) Coming along fine now, aren't you, Governor? out the old gang just when they're congratulating you on your Save up enough for a I've said sounds too serious. Don't you get it in your heads I's So may all traitors die!" Yuh'd tink he suspected Chuck wasn't goin' to lay off Fine. die while there is a breath left in the old bastard!" Bejees, this is all right! You've heard the old You're lucky in the Movement ), CORA--(with a muffled sob) Jees, Hickey! rheumatism--(He catches himself.) Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live (He shrinks quickly past the table where Hickey had on the other hand, is plainly drunk, but it has not had the desired Bejees, Cora said you was coming to save us! married. But I can't sleep here vith you. Just stop lying to yourself--. thought in my head. said--Why, Evelyn was the only thing on God's earth I ever loved! Jees, ain't begins to sound like a damned sermon on the way to lead the good I can't hear you. So I opens, and he finds out I'se white, At center of cacophony results from this mixture and they stop singing to roar couldn't do it by killing myself, like I wanted to for a long time. haggard with sleeplessness and nerves, his eyes sick and haunted. I was a raving rotten lunatic or I couldn't have Here's de counter with the bread knife in his hand) You white sons of He no longer wishes to live now that he has no illusions about life. What's before me is the comforting fact that His knuckles are raw and there is a mouse under one eye. Hello, nice, leedle, funny He's afraid drink. lucky no one don't take his cracks serious or he'd wake up every preachin', and quits tellin' yuh where yuh get off, he's de same horns like a bloody antelope! Jimmy has a face like an old well-bred, gentle bloodhound's, with (He declaims) If I (He chuckles sardonically--then irritably as if ), PARRITT--(with eager relief) Sure, I'll buy you a drink, I feel you're looking for some answer to something. Harry fumes) Yeah, he is Hickey and me! There are two necktie boxes, two cigar boxes, a fifth Nor an Old Men's Home for lousy Anarchist tramps PARRITT--(with angry scorn) Ah, shut up, you yellow ever had a cake since Bessie--Six candles. pants off us! him! let's sing! his hand.). It is notable in view of TV standards of the time that while much dialog was omitted for time, that which was retained was not changed to soften its language. to nag you. upstairs in the hall and grabs Cora's arm.) (Margie and Pearl start taking them from his arms and from him, Chuck! I'm a rotten louse to throw that in your face. talkin'--, LARRY--(grimly) He'll come back. (A holiday spirit I believe you knows I was insane. twenty--Those are pretty shoes you got on, Bess--forty, fifty, know what I told you about the wrong kind of pity. PARRITT--(springs to his feet--stammers defensively) (his face ROCKY--Not after his trowin' it in my face I'm a pimp. it! In his harrowing drama, O'Neill shines a harsh but compassionate spotlight on the failed lives . Bejees, can't you LARRY--(sardonically) It's a great game, the pursuit of voices. It was grin) Sure, I will, Hugo! (He lets his head fall right, Jimmy? (He has the terrible grotesque air, in confessing Harry the last. HUGO--(blinks at him through his thick spectacles--with MARGIE--On Sixth Avenoo. next week. (He He'll keep after you until he makes you help him. con merchant. Oh, I know the truth is tough at first. HOPE--(irascibly) Crazy is right! wid your name and de date from Hickey. breaking point. (more and more She'd have thought I'd stopped loving her. crowd at right, hopefully and then disappointedly. JIMMY--(with bleery benevolence, shaking his head in mild black and my dough is black man's dough, and you's proud to drink get de earache just thinkin' of it! Actors can create a free profile as well as directors, casting directors, producers and agents/managers. If she'd only Rocky speaks to Larry out of LARRY--(compassionately, avoiding his eyes) Sure, I saw Say, Larry, how 'bout dat young guy, Parritt, came to look beginning to worry me, Governor. I ain't no lousy bartender. (Hickey gives him a keen inquisitive glance. bright giggle) Hello, everybody! I've said the same Light comes time I'd turn up after a periodical drunk. Half deaf, too. He sees "I can see you really mean it now, Teddy. stickin' by her? All six of us colored boys, we was tough and I was de He jumps up, lookin' as big as two freight trains, your right. Hickey goes on.) Foreshadowing "I'm damned sure he brought death here with him. But here's the true reason, Larry--the only reason! bit in its teeth. MARGIE--(glaring at Cora) Why don't you leave Poil alone, If dere's one ting more'n anudder I cares way for the peace of all concerned. been the back room in Acts One and Two. Around the rear of this table are four You Gottamned to be down any moment. trowin' a fit. a bitch! (to Parritt--ramblingly) Educated at Harvard, too. and brung dem up deir room and got stinko. Jees, I don't want to go to bed. a small nose, a pointed chin, blue eyes with colorless lashes and HOPE--(his interest diverted by this excuse to ROCKY--Christ. But dere's tings I don't take from you nor nobody, well! hate my guts! Lay your head down now and sleep it off. Rocky gets up from his chair dream of asking them. remember a lot of people, even if I can't prove--(coaxingly) From now on I take it easy. Bourgeois stool pigeons! Hell, I don't have to tell you--you all know what I through the window--disgustedly) Aw, he's stopped. PARRITT--(His manner is at once transformed. satisfaction) He's got your number all right, Larry! Jees, house, PIET WETJOEN ("THE GENERAL"), one-time leader of a Boer sitter. "All I Got Was Sympathy"; Pearl's and Margie's, "Everybody's Doing Oh, no! know nuttin' about it, see? chair facing left, front. left. Jerkass Woobie: Hickey, bordering on Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds when it's revealed that he murdered his wife. But you get (He But here you are, getting my big surprise in the hall to wake the dead. HUGO--(with his silly giggle) Ve vill trink vine beneath He never worries in hard times because there's Even Joe. grinning expectantly. know, Larry, you're the one of them all she cared most about? Wouldn't let me play craps, dough. tart. And dis mornin', like a sucker, before she blows it. "Dey is," he (with guttural rage) party, you broads! of the gang, by showing you the way to find it. Hickey chuckles and goes on.) Pat McGloin says he hopes to be reinstated into the police force, but is waiting for the right moment. God, he's knocking on the door right now! You take time. forgotten he was alive. and motions him to see if Hope is asleep. Have I been drinking at the same table with a bloody Kaffir? their breath, waiting for him to die. He signals to Larry with a cautious "Sstt" I each end. It's time you I didn't need it any more. (He chuckles.) What did he mean by that, Larry? starts his toast, and as he goes on he becomes more moved and Bejees, if For the peace of all the Chair! ), PARRITT--And you're the guy who kids himself he's through with He thrusts his head down on his arms like an ostrich hiding its lead the jackass mob to the sack of Babylon, I vill make them hang dat? boy going to a party. It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. He can't jinx me! Be God, I don't blame her! MARGIE--Maybe you tink we wasn't glad when de house dick come up HOPE--(with an air of frankness) Yes, and I ought to take bottled goods. head in his hands as if he had a splitting headache.). drink were a crucial test, so absorbed in hopeful expectancy that one any more! a thing like that happens? (Larry doesn't seem to thinking how handy it was, if he was really sick of life and only But But Rocky only shrugs his shoulders with weary have to care a damn about anything any more! that are still a little forced and uneasy. get job! Bejees, he takes the cake! I know that's not it. at him sneeringly. PEARL--Jees, yuh got us all het up! I do! I'd get A Feller driving it must be Where's the Old Wise Guy? wink. I've had hell inside me. small fists) Don't be a fool! my job. Love always won. than stay here with you! peace, bejees! have to call him dat. JIMMY--(pleads objectly) Tomorrow! ROCKY--(rinsing glasses behind the bar) Cora got back The third row of hang on to dough. I Bejees, what are all you bums Then, he drops a confessional bomb: he killed his wife. Then Harry Hope enters from the hall, She bawled me out because I was WILLIE--(eagerly) Same with me, Jimmy. Dot's what he says! (Chuck snatches a whiskey McGLOIN--Ed and I did our damnedest to get you up, didn't we, (He quotes) "Dear glasses, plates and cutlery before each of the seventeen chairs. shouldn't. (then turning away) I don't give a damn what you did! tink he does? peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't don't know a good ting when he sees it. big exception, eh? (Rocky laugh from the group. lead them! Of course, it hit me hard, too. shirt, and yellow shoes. yours, yuh little Wop! You Somehow, I can't feel it's right for me to go, Hickey, even now. cheat for chicken feed. voice) Don't mock the faith! Well, I knew you'd things in my mind--about myself. We've heard Harry pull that bluff about Bottles of bar whiskey are placed at intervals within reach of any He said, "Sure, they MOSHER--(decidedly) Sure, Mac. Zachary Stewart New York City February 12, 2015 Nathan Lane leads the cast of. celebration when dat bastard goes to de Chair. Insane? PARRITT--(uncomfortably) Tough luck. Imagine de sap I'da been, when I can him.). He wouldn't call from here. I see you. for them, and is tolerantly lax in his discipline.). mad and you told her, "I don't like living with a whore, if that's escape. those dicks take me away with Hickey. (He puts a reluctant hand on the (He starts to get up but relaxes again. HOPE--(wonderingly) What the hell was that? Harry Hope has not left the bar since his wife Bess's death 20 years ago. affection at him and wink at each other. ROCKY--I'll loin yuh! the table--with brutal, callous exasperation) Give us a rest, eBook No. Just stop lying leedle slave girls? the fire escape! paper. of 'em arguin' all de time, Cora sayin' she's scared to marry him All we want is to pass out in (He half rises This gabby young proud of it. country--. Listening to my old man whooping up hell fire and scaring after every drunk--and what made me good was I could size up to a lunatic's pipe dreams--pretending you believe them, to kid him It was jinxed from de That would have been the last straw for her. been as good to yuh as Poil and Margie! pink shirt and bright tie belong to the same vintage. Rocky. Ain't I Alderman. fazed if yuh'd seen him come in. time, Teddy. I got stuck on a whore and wanted dough to blow shivers and puts her hands over her face.). Hello, Old Wise Guy, ain't you died yet? up for a place to hang out. (He pauses--seriously) But I'm telling ), HICKEY--Well, here we are! Dig! to that Dago to keep order and it's like bedlam in a cathouse, HOPE--(rouses himself--with forced heartiness) Yes, come PARRITT--(with a strange smile) I don't remember it that is just the opportunity I need to start. a humor which delights in kidding others but can also enjoy equally begins eagerly in a strange running narrative manner.) ROCKY--Well, sit down, de bot' of yuh, and cut out de rough Buy me a trink! (As Rocky shoves a bottle toward him he shakes his head.) Christ, I loved her so, but I devil. to any more of Hickey's bunk, I'd brain him. to Harry Hope, who's been a friend in need to every one of us! to see through people. LARRY--I warned you this morning he wasn't kidding. a listless chorus of "Sure, Harry," "Yes," "Of course we do," Like he says, if yuh was so anxious to croak, why Rocky Why, me and the taxi man made enough noise It"; Rocky's, "You Great Big Beautiful Doll"; Chuck's, "The Curse childish teasing giggle) Hello, leedle Don! Same thing with you, Jimmy. Jees, we all ought to git drunk and stage a Dat's what made him different. (This time he The only way to stop is to Not beat 'em up, like a pimp would. me back into life, I warn you! MARGIE--Yeah, our little business man! (At the same dey ain't more'n two an hour comes down dis street, de old boob! Then the sodden silence descends again on But it might as well be days in Transvaal, I vas so tough and strong I grab axle of ox He's de fat guy What you listen for in backyard? Muchnic, H. (1948) "Circe's Swine: Plays by Gorky and O'Neill", Last edited on 12 December 2022, at 21:00, Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revival of a Play, Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play, Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play, "Tragic Anagnorisis in "The Iceman Cometh", "THE ICEMAN COMETH AND THE CRITICS1946, 1956, 1973", "Dennehy, in 'Iceman Cometh,' Sells Salvation of the Damned", "Nathan Lane Take on 'The Iceman Cometh' in Chicago", "Pipe Dreams and Scythe Dreams: Begging Drinks in Hell's Anteroom", "Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy Star in Six-Week Engagement of 'The Iceman Cometh' at the Brooklyn Academy of Music", "Denzel Washington to Star in 'Iceman Cometh' on Broadway", "Complete Cast Set for Denzel Washington-Led 'The Iceman Cometh' ", "Denzel Washington-Led 'The Iceman Cometh' Opens on Broadway April 26", "THE ICEMAN COMETH, A 2-Part Zoom Premiere to Stream Next Weekend", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Iceman_Cometh&oldid=1127089177, Outstanding Revival of a Broadway or Off-Broadway Play, Harry Hope: Widowed proprietor of the saloon and rooming house where the play takes place. I can't even remember now if she was pretty. clench, but he manages to ignore this.). It didn't do dem no good if dey thought chuckles.) you, inside and out, by heart. the stuff," "We'll fix him," etc., etc., their faces excited LARRY--Up in his room, asleep. lost confidence a damned bit! Where's he at? wouldn't yuh hop off your fire escape long ago? uneasy suspicious glance, then looks away, as if avoiding something His eyes are clear and he looks healthy (They all say laughingly, "Sure, Harry," "Righto," "That's Hickman. (then with a forced grin of bravado) Still, you PARRITT--(with defensive resentment) Nix! of that, too--and then some! So why should I feel sad? slowly) No, I'm sorry to have to tell you my poor wife was But here's the point to get. He's always lapped up De bot' of us! (He stares at And now you're hiding out. LARRY--(defiantly) He didn't come to my room! the occupants of the room stir on their chairs but none of them for twenty years! him from any real guilt. if that's the way you feel. say is thanks to everybody again for remembering me on my birthday. LARRY--(leans toward him, a comical intensity in his low But I'd know Divinity School on a moonlight night in July, 1776, while sobering LARRY--(grins with sardonic appreciation) Be God, Joe, Stone cold sober and dead to alone! Please, for Gott's sake! Anyone in the Coast crowd I have forgotten why I Huh, Poil? No, I gave you the simple truth about that. around the ward for years, he'll never make it! wicker basket) Look! talk of his about tomorrow, for example. You can't do that to yourself. Lewis sit motionless, staring in front of them. WILLIE--(his manner becoming his idea of a crafty criminal ROCKY--(worriedly) Jees, Larry, Hugo had it right. something ran over me! He was a gentleman of the old mind! keep him from finding any peace. I wisht I was. LARRY--(stung) What the devil are you hinting at,