Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab. Mannerisms, facial expressions, hand gestures, body language. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, deception, spirituality, and compassion. 13)They love listening to bad bitch music so much ahahahaha,I wouldnt be surprised if they can twerk. For Rainy Days Helen (She/Her/Any) NB Queer. Your right re: if planets in the 1st conjunct the rising sign, indeed one's physicality is more affected. 5)Stressful aspects may indicate congestion.A person wants to know everything at once.Their schedule is very unstable and it is difficult for them to study on schedule. Because this can be an appearance-based attraction, though potent, there needs to be more than physical attraction to hold the relationship together. 5)The good aspects point to the comfortable and favorite work of humans.It works not only for money,but also for pleasure.He is proud of himself and his position. The first house is a physical house as well, related to your body and physical appearance. The 1st house is a place of self-expressive manifestation, and the energy of Neptune in the 1st house can be almost as creative in this arena as it is in the world of dreams and imaginations. Changeable as water or air, you could be compassionate and understanding one minute, devastatingly insensitive the next. 3)It may indicate that a person will have several properties in the future. 2)When the planet is affected,idealistic expectations turn into broken dreams:it is difficult to join the team,do not accept it as it is,you have to sacrifice your interests. These people may profess a desire for artistic improvement but not actually produce anything or they may keep scribbling away at a piece long after it is useful. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. 5)Stressful aspects indicate the troubles and hardships that can accompany a person abroad.This is also one of the indications of problems with the law. The First House is about one's reputation and self-cognition, also about the physical appearance of the native. 5)Romance may appeal,but you dont trust it.What you crave is security,tangible support,and reliable love. 5)They like not to respond to messages for a long time,not because of resentment,but simply because they are resting or sleeping ahaha. You are a visionary by nature, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation from others who do not understand your grand ideas. 1)Low self-esteem or,conversely,skillful psychological manipulation of others. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong. People tend to find it hard to put their finger on them and gauge where they stand or what they're thinking. It is brutally competitive and independent. You may have been separated from it, either literally or figuratively. Sun in the 1st House: You project your identity, vitality, and self expression onto the world around . 5)A person gets tired of communicating with people and periodically needs to be alone with himself to restore his energy level.I really recommend that you make a playlist for a bad mood,because you will cry and your emotions will be released.Your condition will improve and you may be inspired. 4)Good aspects indicate a persons ability to communicate with colleagues.He has good business partners,has connections abroad and is constantly expanding his circle of acquaintances.Most likely,they were supported in their endeavors by their father or mother.Such a person becomes part of the team,often helps others(in a good way). 3)They like foreign things,and what exactly the house will show.For example,the Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd house doesnt mind trying different national dishes of the world.The Moon in Sagittarius in the 6th house likes to learn foreign languages,books or music.The Moon in Sagittarius has its own aesthetic that only they can understand. 4)They literally feel the money,intuition saves them from bad deals. 2)You have an optimistic outlook on life,and you give the impression of being cheerful,confident.You can cry at night,but try to do something again during the day.You are very strong personalities! If Neptune is not well aspected this placement could show an individual suffering from lethargy, with indifference and even escapism on occasion. 2)Generous,kind and authoritative.You can be active on social media and passive in real life. -Sometimes their mothers paid little attention to the future of their child(education or work). 4)In your perfect society,giving up love would be a major sin.You believe that love should fill the world,that people should be more attentive to each other. The woman with Neptune in the 1st House will be very sentimental and deeply attached to her loved ones. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 4)The best solution for a native is to work from home or to reach the level of a manager yourself,when you dont have to spend time on routine duties.And in order to build a successful business relationship,it is important to give up the use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs,because such a person gets used to them instantly. on georgia law on drug testing newborns 2019; You are going to be a charmer who lives life on the edge. 2)Rest really helps with most of their illnesses.Stress causes them to instantly lose their immunity. Gi hng. Neptune rules hidden gifts, secret desires, and a need for spirituality. 2)Depending on the position of Mars in the sign and its aspects,but in any case,a person(karmically)must work hard in life- both in the external world and in the internal,and especially devote a lot of effort to the formation of his personality. 1)I notice that this position gives a heavy burden in finances.A person can earn good money,but in his life there may be cases when they urgently need to spend it. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. 1)Such a person may feel the total control and distrust of adults from childhood,as well as suffer from constant adjustment of their actions by their elders. signs ruled by 1st house planets can easily alter their expression. Neptune in the 1st House Man These men are creative. 3)Even the owner of Neptune in the 11th house often has low self-esteem,is shy to show their talents,hides in the shadow of others.Having a fine mental organization,it is vital for him to learn to punch his way with his elbows,so as not to be trampled by the crowd. 3)Okay,Im not the only one who notices how much attention they pay to their hair?They do styling,haircuts,they can have a bunch of masks and conditioners for them.And they constantly correct them.Guys,dont worry,even with your hair disheveled,you look awesome. 4)He was used to acting quickly and confidently towards others.Sometimes he shows excessive pressure and strong-willed influence,which is perceived negatively by others.With soft and sensitive people,such a person is not on the way. By interacting with it, you have learned the need to stand firmly on your own two feet, not depend on anyone, and this imprint has formed one of the basic attitudes to life that you will follow as an adult. 2)Like the sixth house you need to value yourself and your time and not help everyone. 1)Love of philosophy,religion,art,often long trips.High ideals and ideas about love. 1)You may have been disliked by your teachers because you tend to express your opinions.You are the kings of discussion and know how to defend your point of view. more, take care of yourself and do not be a doormat. Jackson, Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley. They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. 5)He speaks very calmly,logically and pragmatically. Neptune in the 1st House is a good placement for artists, actors and writers. 3)Good aspects indicate a strong and inquisitive mind,bad aspects indicate poor memory and learning problems. 3)If their work is normal,they can modify it.For example,such a teacher can teach in an unusual way,and simply differ from others. Neptune transiting your fifth house is characterized by ideal romance accompanied by much romantic fantasy. some advice to this moon it would be: there is more than what meets Neptune Through The Houses. Saturn in the 1st house .With a melancholic and tired gaze, with a tendency to walk stopped and that peculiar way of contemplating their surroundings and the people close to them, these natives seem to be always alert and suspicious of the true intentions of other people. Your creativity is more than just an escape for you. 5)The harmonious aspects of Saturn contribute to the appearance of useful acquaintances and the establishment of promising connections and contacts with others.The intense aspects of Saturn in the 7th house with other planets tell not only about the difficult nature of the partner,but also the many difficulties in the relationship with him. This Neptune placement signifies that your imagination and inspiration are strong; that you may be easily distracted by the endless realm of ideas that dance about in your head. 4)You are witty and completely outspoken,and sometimes tactless.Active intellectual work is suitable for you. 1)Teachers at school can be too strict with them,often underestimate their grades. 4)Positive aspects indicate the qualities of an excellent organizer.It inspires and appeals to other people.Negative aspects create problems with people.He is often betrayed or deceived. 9)As children,they may have been too active.I cant say if they had many friends,but they werent bored even when they were alone.They could always come up with a game. 5)Negative aspects indicate a bad or incomplete education and the threat of travel. Aries Sun/Moon/Rising/Chart Ruler, Mars in 1st, Mars Dominant, Mars conjunct Ascendant: Thick hair, may have reddish undertones. Planets in the 1st house do affect ones personality and appearance. 3)The defeat of the planet creates a danger of ignoring professional training and determines difficulties in communicating with relatives of a partner. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. are bojangles and popeyes owned by the same company; soap note for tinea pedis; positive and negative feedback in menstrual cycle; chicago hells angels clubhouse bombing 3)Good aspects create a sense of benefit.Such a person knows who to make deals with,he has a profitable and active job. 3)He has a good imagination.He does a lot of his work intuitively.Such a person cant always explain in words how he came to this result. People with Neptune here are generally of short height. 3)The sixth house is responsible for pets,so most likely you are a good host,you can often walk with them or teach new abilities.Even cats near you become calmer and more well-mannered. 1)He wants to buy clothes of famous brands,fine furniture,comfortable cars,luxury apartments,etc.Such people dont like to deny themselves anything. . I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though - Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. 4)They literally feel the money,intuition saves them from bad deals. 1)Their circle of acquaintances is large,and they easily start relationships with a variety of people.A person can maintain foreign contacts and have many friends and well-wishers abroad. Neptune in 1st House synastry can make you feel like an outsider. looking within than by avoiding quietness. Neptune In 1st House Synastry, Neptune In 1st House Natal Chart. Love can be spiritual and telepathic, as well as unique to them alone. scorpio x aquarius = 7/10 Your name, title, and any other unique words you (and others) use to identify you. 4)Very often such people are very demanding in love. 3)In a relationship,they love attention and gifts.They love compliments and tend to show their feelings to their partner more often. 2)A wonderful aspect for an astrologer,fortune teller or clairvoyant.A person literally feels the cards or energy of a person.They notice the signs of fate. 4)When the planet is hit,a person can be absent-minded,do poorly in school,be very shy and have bad relationships with siblings. He is a former member of the Branwen Tribe as well as a former teacher at Signal Academy. They may also have a heightened sense of compassion and involvement with others, as they intuitively sense what others need. 1)As a child,such a person could do many things hastily.With age,such a person becomes more and more calm and risks little(especially money). The positive aspects of Neptune are magnified and held much closer to the heart by both lovers. You will keep people guessing about your deeper intentions. 5)You distribute your opportunities correctly and are a good employee. 4)Their relatives have occult abilities(maybe a human too). It indicates a creative ability, especially the ability to capture an image or form in words. 5)You are a great competitor,so you can work in politics,sports or business. 3)He shares with other people only those ideas that are fully formed and in the effectiveness of which he is one hundred percent sure. This house is greatly about the way we would like to present ourselves to other people, about our strength of the character, self-confidence and self-integrity. 4)Often he spends his childhood in a poor family,and therefore in mature years he tries to hyper-compensate for this,making the accumulation of material values his only goal.They are not afraid of any work. 5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner. Natal Neptune in the 1st house. -As a rule,such people may feel sad and often cry,but it does not last long.If you see such a person in tears,just give them time to cool down and dont touch them.It is better not to save your feelings. These people are natural psychologists; their feeling and intuition prompt them to approach other people and help them or have compassion for them. ; ; . This part represents the physical body, sphere of identity, approach to life, and personal outlook. 4)It is easy for this person to adapt to any place and society(but look at Mercury)Religion,culture,and philosophical generalizations will attract people,and they will want to master them.They will probably insert foreign words or quotes from various authors into their speech. 2)Such people love to learn.They have a broad outlook,but their brain doesnt immediately understand the explanation,so they often learn in their own way.Sometimes this position indicates self-taught people. Neptune in the 1st house Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. People's first impression of you when they meet you face-to-face. -You may have fought as a child or often argued with other children. you're welcome these people were talked about a lot in school attracts a lot of hate from the same gender and attracts a lot of attention from the opposite probably doesn't get along with their mother figure attracted to people who have pluto traits/aspects some of them can't take criticism, they feel like they're getting attacked; but mostly because they've encountered a lot of . producing an empathetic individual. -Their mother might have been divorced because she was stronger than their father. 14)The combination of the Sun Aries and the Moon in Scorpio makes a person such a typical favorite of Mars.This is noticeable either in appearance or in communication. Neptune is the planet of spirituality, it rules our fantasies and our idealism, our active imagination. 4)I especially recommend that you sort out your childhood problems.Saturn requires you to understand his lessons,otherwise the severity and pain from them will be for the rest of your life. 1)Friendly and pleasant to communicate with.Very good position for managers.They know how to get acquainted and avoid conflicts. Your physical body and outward appearance. -The love of change and an unusual,extreme situations.The need for active movement,sports. This is a highly spiritual connection that can be difficult to express in words. 1)The karmic task is not to allow yourself to become a "stranger among your own,forgetting about the roots and national traditions,maintaining a balance between the desire for reform and respect for history. 10)With good aspects,their mother supported them in their endeavors.She could devote a lot of time to the creativity of children or often played with them. The first house represents our identity, sense of self-worth, and confidence in our appearance and character qualities. What Do You Think is the Strangest Placement in the Astrological Chart? 1)Such a person can work hard,but the results of his work dont become public. if you have a planet conjunct the ascendant from the 12th house, you may possess some of these traits unknowingly or to a lesser extent. ?I admire you. 1)Their parents were attentive to their studies.Perhaps such a child started reading or speaking early. He jumps into things without planning because he is not a down to earth person. 15)When strong,the position of Mars indicates a person who will succeed in a career.They love statuses and like to work hard for them. by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 21, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. 5)Your father is a copy,a model of what unfolds later in your life around the topic of authority. 4)With good aspects - high position,with bad - oblivion of principles,public scandal. 2)A mixture of creative freedom and discipline.Such people understand that inspiration comes when they want to.They perform their work conscientiously,can work in their specialty,and have good relations with their boss and colleagues. 2)Your siblings may indeed have the opposite sign to yours,or you may have a single ruling planet. 1)With a harmonious Neptune in the 7th house,the native radiates the energy of love and subconsciously waits for acceptance and sympathy when getting married,moving to a new job and entering a University. 4)Such people need to learn to read their feelings and be able to make final decisions. They have a flair for the theatrical in all areas of creative endeavors. 4)With bad aspects,mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible.Good aspects increase strength and energy,activity and enterprise and create an opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas,plans and goals. Hi! This is represented by the 12th house, where universal consciousness links all existing things together as if they were one and the same, despite physical attributions and tangible limits. People with this placement might also attract a lot of Mercury energy into their relationships - from these energies, a karmic bond is established good or bad. 1)They are prone to reckless spending,they can spend their entire salary on a certain thing that they literally fell in love"with. 1)Good aspects indicate a happy marriage.People love and understand each other.They are very similar. 3)In general,you are not boring.Positive aspects indicate that you are the soul of the company or you are often approached to get acquainted.Bad aspects indicate risky and dangerous actions.Think a thousand times before you do something. 2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy. 4)Such a person can become a successful programmer,politician,diplomat or administrator.He may be interested in space exploration,astronomy,and astrology.He likes the aesthetics of space and stars,he is ready to admire them for hours. -Even if their mother was a homemaker,she never sat still. -Unlike Moon Cancer it is much easier for them to control their feelings. 4)Good aspects create a kind of shield around the person,he is safe in any difficult situations.Bad aspects give even more problems to a person,and in what areas of life?You need to look at the planets that form the aspects. 3)Negative aspects indicate short temper and stubbornness.Such people argue for the sake of argument.Positive aspects indicate fairness.Such a person is interested in the opinions of other people and tries to expand their knowledge. 1)Such people often hide their feelings and attachments. The house placement of your natal Neptune shows where you are elusive or idealistic, whether you mean to be or not! 1)You have good friends who will help you with advice or financial assistance.You are sociable and have several groups of friends(but look at the house). Although she will tend to have less focus and concentration as she tends to drift through life, this can be advantageous for her as she may be able to win people over through her charming yet vague demeanor. You will be aware of your own power; in effect, you will have an intuitive sense of your destiny. 1)A very strong and brave person.He can be quick-tempered,but due to his perseverance and strong character,he wins competitions and is a good opponent. There can be memories of rejection, shaming, clashes, power struggles. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 5)With bad aspects,serious scandals with parents,a tendency to frivolous behavior and waste of family wealth are possible. 10)Good imagination.They are quite inventive and creative.They can do some bullshit out of pure curiosity lol.They may have a lot of hobbies.Their attention is difficult to hold,so they can easily leave them. Your days will be filled with pleasantly daydreaming away from the heart of reality. You might not always have a clear picture of what you are doing. It is stated in Astro Codex that "Saturn in the 1st House does not grant beauty to the native's body," and it tends to give a short body. If you have Neptune in the first house, you are deeply compassionate and it may be hard for others to see that your motives are genuine. Neptune in 1st house- Neptune rules illusions in astrology. 2)From an early age,such people are used to carrying a lot of responsibility on their shoulders.As a rule,they are entrusted with the most difficult and painstaking work. 6)Why do people with the Sun in the 9th house have a wild desire to open a business?Maybe its because of a sense of freedom. When it comes to morals, you may have a tendency to question what is right or wrong. 3)The harmonious aspects of Jupiter will tell you about the easy and fast assimilation of educational material.The information you need to study will always be available to you.Others will provide such a person with good books. In some cases, this placement can even indicate abuse of some form. He can get lost in daydreams, especially when excited. libra x sagittarius = 10/10 This Sun favours the nurturing of an energetic physical Perry. 3)Very tolerant and versatile person.You can discuss literally everything with him.he may not read much,but he knows a lot.HOW? However, if they do, Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it shows the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. 4)Bad aspects are indicative to idleness and unwillingness to be serious.A person wants to have fun all the time and not work. 1)You are very sensitive to the topic of money and probably want to have more of it than you have now.You reach out to people who already have money or obviously want wealth. I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though - Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. -You can have live plants in the room.Especially cacti. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong influence over you. The first house narrates the story of our first steps in this world. 2)They can only do what brings them pleasure,so they choose a job for love.This helps them achieve great success in their chosen field of activity.