Anderson: >to Taylor< Thats right, keep your mouth shut, this is between me and the sixth grader. Seventh Grade Boy #2: Yeah, we never do anything wrong in real life, honest. Anderson: >to Taylor< Oh, okay, we missed you, so what do you say we head back to class? Mr. Chong: See? Rusty: >to Taylor< It's good that you have turned over a new leaf. Lincoln: Oh yeah, I remember on our first encounter, I'm sorry for taking your seat on the school bus. (Anderson and Pablo laughed as they were mocking her for talking to nobody but herself, back at school, Taylor escorted Lincoln to Mr. Bolhofner's trailer, she releases him). Lincoln: For your information little sis, I have a guest coming. Lincoln: Thank you Lynn, but its not going to be the same for me now that Taylor. Chandler: >scoffs, to Mr, Bolhofner< Whatever, >to Lincoln< Well well, hello Lincoln Lame, miss your eighth grade buddy? (And this is what Taylor did, she crossed her legs like an Indian, pressed her index finger and thumbs together closed her eyes and hummed, they both hummed and Taylor was lost in meditation, Mr. Chong, in a form of a spirit speaks to her). Rita: >to Lynn, angered< Do you have any idea how hurt Lincoln is? Mr. Chong: Have you ever been a Cyberbully? (It starts at an exterior of The Loud House, day; Lori is searching in her room for her cell-phone) LORI: I been literally searching my whole room! Taylor: But I want to be his friend again, I dont deserve to be with them anymore. Mario and the characters related are a registered trademark own and created by Nintendo. What was it that made her want to bully him? Mr. Chong: Thats your choice, our discussion is over, you want to continue with your lessons? Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I just want to tell you that you will not be allowed to be near Lynn until further notice, we just punished her for what she did to you. Sibling Incest. WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. (Vanzilla pulled up along with Leni, Luna and Luan, Lincoln climbed on and rode shotgun, Taylor and Lincoln waved goodbye to each other, back at The Loud House, Lincoln was getting his hair combed and got his teeth brushed, Lola was concerned and confused by the way Lincoln was getting himself ready). *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. That's not even fair!!! Its All Relative By: ZCloudhousefan. Lincoln: Do you want to join us for dinner tomorrow night? Work Text: Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House. Mr. Chong: Think about it, tomorrows lesson will be about cyberbullying and why you do it, our lesson for today is over. This is the worst! Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. Taylor: Exactly, even though I bullied you, I can still be aggressive, but on a rare occasion, I can have a change of heart, but it doesnt work for most people who do bad or strange things most of their life. Liam: >to Lincoln< I feel happy for you buddy. Running Away. You really saved my skin. Lincoln: >exclaims in disgust< Ugh, Brussel Sprout casserole, my least favorite of my Dad's dishes. Lynn: I wanted to say Im sorry for messing up your first day in middle school, I didnt mean to ruin it for you, I get it that youre excited about it, but--. Lincoln: That's the worst advice I've ever have gotten from you! Some of his sisters watched him running away. Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Taylor: Oh, can I play? Taylor: Well, I first encountered him along with my two friends Anderson and Pablo when he was sitting in our seat on the school bus (Taylor explained the whole story to Mr. Chong about their first encounter for three minutes straight). (Anderson grabs Lincoln by the face and slams his face by the tree at least three times, he then drags Lincoln all over the ground, dirt clods and grass covered him up real bad, Anderson gets a small kick from Lincoln by the leg, he releases him and then Lincoln runs away, but Pablo pouches on him pinning him, Taylor watches this in horror and starts to tear up seeing that Lincoln didnt deserve this, Pablo gets up and releases him, until Anderson grabs him by the britches and gives him the worst wedgie of them all, then he pins Lincoln while grabbing his arm), (Anderson continues to twist his arm in pain, until he stops). Anderson: >to Taylor< I said get out of the way so I can punch him. (Vanzilla driven by Rita who has also picked up Leni, Luna and Luan from high school just pulled up by the front entrance, Lincoln waved goodbye to Taylor and she waved back to him, Lincoln got on the sweet spot like he wanted). Lincoln: Look, that cloud looks like Yoshi with a baseball cap backwards. Work Text: Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House. Mr. Chong: That's what I thought, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not too bright are you? Mr. Chong: For your first lesson, you will be able to learn about why you became a bully in the first place, so how did you became a bully in the first place? Lincoln: The door on the left is Lori and Lenis room, Lori isnt here at the moment, shes studying at Fairway University. WebLynner or Loser. Taylor: Speaking of which, I would like to meet your family, of course I already know who Lynn is. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. (Lincoln had shown Taylor the attic, she was amazed over how they got so many stuff in the attic, Lincoln has shown them each of their bedrooms). Anderson: >to Lincoln< No? That girl who picked on you with the other boys? crossover. Lynn: One problem dad, Principal Ramirez doesn't care about her students, she's too occupied, even if someone is bullying him, he still has much to learn about middle school. *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. Lincoln: >to Anderson, ignoring him< I have nothing to say to you guys. Taylor: Cheese? Taylor: It all started, when I was a fifth grader going on to the sixth grade, my Mom and Dad left me with my abusive big brother in charge, he bullied me because I was the runt of the litter, he kept twisting my arm, calling me names, spit on my face and did something even much worse, which I never wanted to explain. Sisters: YEAH! (See the end of the work for more notes.) (As the boy was going into the bathroom, he slips into the bathroom until she pounces him from the ceiling and pins the boy), (The boy showed Lynn a hall pass, then she swiped the comic from him), (Then a school police officer just cleared his throat as he sees Lynn pinning him, not soon after tapping his foot with his arms crossed). (Lincoln and the others just shut off their devices and ended video chat, meanwhile downstairs, Lynn was getting scolded by her parents). Principal Ramirez: Thank you for reporting this to me Lynn, that was the right thing to do. Taylor: There is something I want to talk to you about Lincoln. Principal Ramirez: No excuses, no exceptions, if you ever abuse them again, I will have to suspend you for the rest of the week, now get out! This is what happens when you don't stop cyberbullying, you'll make more enemies than friends, the point is, when you are a cyberbully, you will no longer look like the person you used to be. The damage, pain and misery to his heart. WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set. Anderson: >annoyed< Of course we are bullies, we dont care about anybody but ourselves, and we can do whatever we want, and we shall tell the dorks to stay out of our way. (Taylor then rubbed his head in an act of kindness, later their respected rides came as both of the students separate from each other and got on each of their respected rides, Lincoln got home as he was expected to play his game by the living room TV, but the twins were watching a show about princess frogs, a show that they both got interested in recently, Lincoln shrugged off and let his little sisters enjoy their show, he walks upstairs to read a new "Pacific Rim" comic series he recently bought from a comic book store that opened up at the mall, he then finishes up the the first three issues of the comic series, later he finds the couch unclaimed as he is ready to play his game, he turns on his PS4 and starts up a platformer game, for the next forty minutes, Lynn Sr. called to them). (The whole school heard Taylor shouting to the bullies, Taylor continues to shout at them). Principal Ramirez: That's not a bad idea, Why don't you escort him to my office after school so we can make a deal, okay? Taylor: Aw, thanks for your invite, I love to come, as I recall when riding the bus, I know where you live, so Ill ask my Mom if its alright for me to come over. Taylor: Don't get used to it Lincoln, there's plenty more where that came from. Lynn Sr.: Well, I see you are making a good decision and you took real care of Lincoln, even better than Lynn in my case. Lincoln: But she took those anti-bullying programs and promised--. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Yes ma'am, >to Lincoln< Lincoln is it? Mr. Chong: I see, but tell me this, how do you think they feel when you took advantage of them when you are stealing something from them? (Lincoln rushed upstairs to his room and texted Taylor the good news, she also texted him back and gave the good news back to him as her Mom says its alright for her to come to his house for tomorrow's dinner, Lincoln placed his phone down on his nightstand and played his little game on his Nintendo 3DS, the next day was the last day of the school week, Taylor along with Mr. Chong go into another meditation about her dark future if she continued bullying). (Anderson punched his hand with his fist in anger, the next day, Lincoln and Taylor started to ride their bicycles to the park, they ordered ice cream for them both, Lincoln got the Chocolate Vanilla Swirl while Taylor picked Strawberry Unicorn, they sat on a bench as they were looking at the clouds). Clyde: >to Taylor< My Dad's been telling me that just because you want control over something doesn't mean you should have it for yourself. Taylor: Yes we did, but before you say anything, I just realized that we were not the only ones that bullied him, Chandler and Lynn are also bullying him, and I want to make it up to him and give up bullying him and everyone else. Image details Image size Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. Principal Ramirez: Have you and the two boys been bullying him again? Mark my words, you all havent seen the last of us! Lincoln was devastated by what he just heard. Here is my 29th fanfiction. (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Lynn: >annoyed, to Anderson and Pablo< Why don't you chumps leave me alone!?!? (The school officer gives Lynn a ticket for bullying, harassment and physical abuse, Lynn grumbled in annoyance, meanwhile at the cafeteria, Taylor was escorting Lincoln to his friend group), (Clyde and the others were really shocked as Lincoln was introducing Taylor to the others, but they didn't run in fear like everyone else did when they were intimidated by her), (Taylor sat in-between Lincoln and Clyde as she pulled out her lunchbox and opened it). That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Lynn: He's already learned that the bullies will get more aggressive and the school staff will be more strict then ever, he needs to learn how to stand up for himself or fight his way out. Sisters: YEAH! Mr. Chong: Here is our next lesson, taking advantage of others. Principal Ramirez: Now back to class with you and have a good rest of the day. Aladdin, The Good Dinosaur and The Jungle Book is owned and created by Pixar and the Walt Disney Company. Taylor: Yes, I was wrong to do that, while I was a bully at that time, but deep down in my heart, I knew it was wrong. It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. Taylor: Thank you, if you don't mind, would you like for me to escort you to the principal's office? (Chandler gulped as his breath got to Chandler resulting him to faint, Lincoln grabbed the cushion from his seat and tossed it away, later at lunch, Taylor sitting with Lincoln plans to trade lunches with him). Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Young Taylor: UNCLE, UNCLE, UNCLE UNCLE!!!!!! WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Principal Ramirez: As eight graders, it's your responsibility to lead underclassmen to the right path and set a better example of them, if you lead them down that path, they will achieve great success and a brighter future for them, but take them to the wrong path and there will be consequences which could lead them to bad choices in their future. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Mr. Chong: Thats what I want to hear and I love it, you have to note this, you have to put the past behind you, bad things happen and you cant do anything about it, if you cant change the past, you can definitely change. Lincoln: In a family as big as mine, at some point we can agree that his cooking is terrific, but at other half, his cooking can have a sort of a weird taste to it, sometimes he even cooks it raw and it gave us a stomach ache for weeks. Anderson: >to Lincoln< Where's your big sister? Taylor: No joke, I just wanted to sayI'm sorry for bullying you. (Anderson grabbed him on the shirt and threw him to the ground, Taylor watched in horror), (Taylor tried to get up, but Pablo pushed her preventing her to help Lincoln), (Lincoln gets up, he now sees the monster in Andersons eyes, as he starts snorting). Mr. Chong: Are you ready for lesson three? Pablo: >to Lincoln< Yeah, enjoy your flush kid! School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, consider that your first warning, and if I ever catch you you here harassing and torturing other students in this hallway two more times, I will have you suspended, this is your first verbal warning.