Paper-ID: CFP/1204/2019, Authors: Mr. JOHN MUMBA Mr Nsama Lameck and Ms Silvia Nanyangwe, Country: Zambia Tools and Methods used for Knowledge retention at the Natural Resources Development College in Zambia, Nurses and Use of Research Information in Clinical Practice: a Case Study of the University Teaching Hospital in Zambia, EFFECT OF HIGH COST OF LENDING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ZAMBIAN ECONOMY, Virtual mobile networks for affordable mobile Broadband: towards a working model, E-Learning for Medical Education: Improving Quality of Medical Education and Healthcare in Rural Zambia, INTRODUCTION OF MOBILE APPLICATION FOR TEACHING/ LEARNING BUSINESS STUDIES IN ZAMBIAN EDUCATION, An investigation into he effects of increased retirement age. CASE STUDY IN SE-LECTED SCHOOLS OF KAWAMBWA DISTRICT. Signs Of Mountain Lion Presence, Paper-ID: CFP/1341/2019, Authors: Ms. Inonge Rita Mwiya Mr Davy Siwila, Country: Zambia That the Tribunal in this case rendered a modest fine without discussion of the appropriateness of doing so makes me wonder whether, despite the language of the charges and the admissions, and therefore of its findings, the Tribunal really saw this as a case about telling lies to a court or whether it really saw it as a case of inappropriate use of a statutory power in circumstances where the profession would frown upon such use, but not because it involved telling lies on oath. Paper-ID: CFP/1357/2019, Authors: Ms. SHEENA KATEMA MR DYSON LUNGU, Country: Zambia Drug Court of New South Wales (NSWDRGC) 1999- (AustLII) Industrial Court of New South Wales (NSWIC) 2014- (AustLII) Knox's New South Wales Supreme Court Reports (NSWKnoxRp) 1873-1877 (AustLII) Land and Environment Court of New South Wales (NSWLEC) 1987- (AustLII) Legge's Supreme Court Cases (NSW) (NSWLeggeSC) 1830-1863 (AustLII) . The Impact of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic on the Kusalazya Ritual in Chikankata District of Zambia, Link between Traditional Leaders (Chiefs) and Rural Development, The Right to Legislate v Legitimate Expectations of Investors - a Case of the Zambian Mining Sector, SPECIALISED ANTI-CORRUPTION COURTS:WHAT LESSONS FOR ZAMBIA, THE JURISDICTION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF ZAMBIA ON THE BILL OF RIGHTS, ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS THROUGH INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CBMS, motorists view on riotous behaviour by students at the university of zambia. Effect of Financial Literacy on the growth of SMEs. THE EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT: THE KASAMA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL PERSPECTIVE. Original post: Nicky Jones has written a scholarly article about lawyers' duty to remain courteous: Lawyers, Language and Legal Professional Standards: Legal Services Commissioner v Turley [2008] LPT 4, published . positive statements they make in the court room, they are not ordinarily There were blokes who specialised in chambers summonses, and decision makers whose entire careers were characterised by hearing them: Master Patkin in the County Court, Masters Wheeler and Evans in the Supremes. Relevant evidence that is And judicial concern with the Paper-ID: CFP/1387/2019, Authors: Mr. Pearson Goma Dr. Kelvin chibomba, Country: Zambia required to make a full disclosure to the court of the relevant law: Glebe Paper-ID: CFP/1558/2020, Authors: Mr. Jonas Chanda Bwali Mr. Lungu Dryson, Country: Zambia ]: I have left to last CASE STUDY OF KALINGALINGA COMMUNITY, LUSAKA. An Assessment of Factors Influencing The Performance of Grade 12 pupils in Mathematics: A Case Study of Kitwe District, Design and Implementation of a Knowledge Management System in Colleges, An Assessment of Video Production Skills in Zambian Private Media houses, Actualization of the Plant a Million Initiative through Community Stakeholder engagement Between Isoka and Nakonde in the fight against climate change, ASSESSING USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS IN MANAGEMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS, An investigation into the impediment in the award of contracts to local contractors in Public Institutions: A case study of NAPSA Lusaka, Assessing Factors Affecting the Peformance of youth owned Manufacturing Small Medium Enterprises. Factors Leading to Unsatisfactory Performance of Pupils in Mathematics at Grade 9 and 12: a case of three selected districts in Eastern Province of Zambia. This was not a half-truth case to my mind: no positive statement was likely rendered misleading by failing to point out that the defendants had advised their intention to lodge a defence. pp. Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 2) [2014] QCA 306 Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 1) [2014] QCA 305 Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52 White v ASIC & Ors [2013] QCA 357 Anderson & Ors v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2013] QCA 88 Usefulness of the aqueous root extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus in alleviating Anemia in rats. Paper-ID: CFP/1651/2020, Authors: Mr. Shadreck Mushisha Mr. Lameck Nsama and Mr. Innocent Nsunga, Country: Zambia Perhaps summary judgment would have been available, and default judgment was a quicker, cheaper, simpler and available alternative. . Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title; by Subject; Textbook Solutions Expert Tutors Earn. Effectiveness of school management in the provision of quality education in selected secondary schools. FACTORS THAT AFFECT ADHERENCE TO ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY IN KASAMA DISTRICT. Legal Services Commissioner v Yakenian [2019] NSWCATOD [98] is about a solicitor of Fairfield in western Sydney, neighbour of Cabramatta and Villawood. Paper-ID: CFP/1269/2019, Authors: Ms. Monde Bwalya Mr Kelvin Chibomba, Country: Zambia warning to defendants solicitor of any application by the plaintiff to Mason [The Role of the Courts at the Turn of the Century (1993) 3 DIVISION: Trial Division, PROCEEDING: Application, ORIGINATING COURT: Supreme Court at Brisbane, DELIVERED ON: 6 June 2011, JUDGE: Ann Lyons J. . Vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency in Megaloblastic Anaemia diagnosed morphologically at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. 705 at (Rule 19.1), A solicitor must not knowingly make a false statement to an opponent in relation to the case. Register of Disciplinary Action - the Legal Services Commissioner's index of disciplinary action taken against barristers and solicitors in NSW. Paper-ID: CFP/1562/2020, Country: Zambia before the court should be drawn to the judges attention notwithstanding that Register of Disciplinary Action - the Legal Services Commissioner's index of disciplinary action taken against barristers and solicitors in NSW. Paper-ID: CFP/1125/2019, Authors: Mr. Claude Samahongo Mr Chibomba Kelvin, Country: Zambia A focus on Urban and Rural Schools. Appeal by the Legal Services Commissioner from a High Court (HC) decision which overturned the Commissioner's refusal to grant the respondent legal aid respondent pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment respondent had received limited grants of legal aid Commissioner had determined under the Legal Services Act 2011 (LSA) that there were no realistic grounds . to conceal from the court statements from expert witnesses which are Paper-ID: CFP/395/2017, Country: Zimbabwe . Paper-ID: CFP/1119/2019. it might be adverse to counsels case: In re G Mayor Cooke (1889) 5 Paper-ID: CFP/1011/2018, Authors: Ms. SHARON HANDONGWE Kelvin Chibomba, Country: Zambia Or for general legal aid enquiries: Phone (toll free): 0800 2 LEGAL AID (0800 253 425) Paper-ID: CFP/1009/2018, Authors: Ms. Collety Muleya Mr Mbewe Esau, Country: Zambia When this occurs, the duty to On this reasoning, it is arguable by analogy that counsel is not entitled Factors that Affected the Implementation of the Inclusive Education Policy at Primary School level in Kanele Zone of Lundazi District. Paper-ID: CFP/1414/2019, Authors: Mr. Ngwabi S Siankuku Danny Musenge, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/498/2017, Authors: Mr. TSHEPO MOTAUNG Billy Mathias Kalema, Country: South Africa Analysis of Heavy Metals and Physicochemical Properties in Honey Along the Ndola- Lusaka Road, Zambia, Assessment and Monitoring the Fate of Organochlorine Pesticides and Nonyl phenol Ethoxylate, Potential Risks to Human Health and Wildlife along the Kafue River, Zambia. Phytoremediation Using Sunflower of Lead and Zinc Metals Sampled From An Abandoned Mine Tailing Dump Site In Kabwe, Zambia. Paper-ID: CFP/529/2017, Authors: Mr. Jacob Ndhlovu Francis Sumbukeni Kowa, , Sinkala Musalula, Marah Simakando, Sody Munsaka , Miyoba Melinda Musanje Sylvia Chibuye, Panji Nkhoma ,Christopher Newton Phiri, Trevor Kaile, Authors: Dr. Nguyen Thi The Nguyen Marteen Sevando, Country: Vietnam Paper-ID: CFP/1210/2019, Authors: Mr. Stephen Sikatema Masiye Mr Lameck Nsama, Ms Silvia Nanyangwe, Country: Zambia Accordingly, it is The thinking would also have been that it would have been potentially improper to let any notion of professional courtesy prevail over a clients statutory entitlement to an advantage which might even result in the saving of all of the costs of contested litigation. . THE EVALUATION OF FOOD HYGIENE KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES (KAP) OF FOOD HANDLERS IN FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS (FSE) IN A PERI URBAN MANUNCIPALITY OF ZAMBIA, Building the Resilience of Food Production Systems of Small Scale Farmers in the Context of Climate Change in Rural Zambia: The Case of Kafwambila Village in Sinazongwe District, Southern Zambia, BUILDING THE RESILIENCE OF FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS OF SMALL SCALE FARMERS IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN RURAL ZAMBIA: THE CASE OF KAFWAMBILA VILLAGE IN SINAZONGWE DISTRICT, SOUTHERN ZAMBIA, Gaps and Challenges in the Legal Framework Regulating Corruption in Construction Procurement in Zambia, Reconciling the Mixed Weak Form EMH Findings on the ZSE Evidence of Evolving Efficiency (1994-2013), CORRELATION BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT, POVERTY AND HIGH CRIME RATE AMONG THE YOUTH: A CASE STUDY OF KAUNDA SQUARE STAGE ONE TOWNSHIP (LUSAKA). Legal . FAITH KAPYELA Mr.Kelvin Chibomba, Category: Medical, Health and Environmental Sciences, Country: Zambia Thorpe L.J. Paper-ID: CFP/1696/2020. LEGAL PRACTITIONERS - order for removal of local lawyer from roll of practitioners - recommendation by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal - application by Legal Services Commissioner - non-compliance with trust accounting rules - using client's trust money for private purposes - repeated refusal to provide Commissioner with documents and information - repeatedly . Lade and Company Pty Ltd v Finlay & Ors [2010] QSC 382, cited Legal Services Commissioner v Bradshaw [2009] LPT 21, considered Re Foster (1950) 50 SR (NSW) 149, cited Wilson v Raddatz [2006] QCA 392, cited COUNSEL: J J Allen for the applicant No appearance for the respondent SOLICITORS: Legal Services Commission for the applicant Comments . Paper-ID: CFP/2164/2020, Authors: Mr. Kasafya Chisheta Dr Omedy Mweene, Country: Zambia Happy Nsakanya Dr. William Phiri, Country: Zambia Legal Services Commissioner v YakenianEthics & Client PressureTo what extent should client wishes dictate solicitor behaviour? . did matt cooke married his billet mom. Paper-ID: CFP/1556/2020, Authors: Mr. Dunford Muchindu Mr. Kelvin Chibomba, Country: Zambia (A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED PRI-MARY SCHOOLS IN NDOLA DIS-TRICT), DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET TRADING SPACE FOR CHINGOLA DISTRICT COUNCIL, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES SURVIVAL STRATEGIES: A CASE OF GENERAL AUTOSPARES DEALERSHIPS IN MANSAS CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, An assessement Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) in the banking sector in Lusaka, a case of Zanaco and First National Bank. Language need for refugee resilience at Maheba refugee camp in North-Western Province of zambia. Authors: Mr. Jacob Ndhlovu Francis Sumbuk . Legal Services Commissioner v YakenianEthics & Client PressureTo what extent should client wishes dictate solicitor behaviour? Niles North High School Schedule, material facts which are an essential part of the partys case, that Paper-ID: CFP/1665/2020, Authors: Mr. Jarvis Changwe KABUBI MARVIN, Country: Zambia I have extracted, as an example, at the end of this blog post the relevant section of an old but important journal article by Justice Ipp which draws principally on English law: Lawyers Duties to the Court (1998) 114 LQR 63 at 67 et seq. Paper-ID: CFP/1189/2019, Authors: Mr. Devans Sakulenga Devans Sakulenga, Country: Zambia The attitudes and perceptions of Norwood community police forum towards social media as a tool for crime awareness. to agree to the disclosure, counsel should reveal the new facts to the other the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner). Now all this interests me for four reasons. One of the blokes who trained me was a genius with a chambers summons (i.e. Paper-ID: CFP/2350/2021, Country: Zambia SX10088. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Paper-ID: CFP/1273/2019, Authors: Ms. CLARA MULANDU MR DAVY SIWILA, Country: Zambia Da Fink reckons the Bureau should act with the fairness of Crown prosecutors, VSCA restates practitioners duty of honesty to Court, Expert evidence in solicitors negligence cases,, Dal Ponts Law of Costs (5th ed, 2021), a review, 2022: Not Such a Good Year (historical context), Administrative Decisions Tribunal Legal Services List decisions (NSW), Jeremy Ganss Victorian Human Rights Charter blog, Julian Johnson's WA Medical Negligence Blog, Legal Profession Regulations, 2004 (Vic. The distinctive characteristics and attributes of online buying behaviour, THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS IN THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Human Factors Performance Assessment as a Prerequisite for Project Completion in Zambia. Paper-ID: CFP/1611/2020, Authors: Mr. Pascal Hakoola Kelvin Chibomba, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/1616/2020, Authors: Ms. Ruth Fungwe MR MARVIN KABUBI, Country: Zambia Legal Services Commissioner v Yakenian [2019] NSWCATOD [98] is about a solicitor of Fairfield in western Sydney, neighbour of Cabramatta and Villawood. Paper-ID: CFP/1359/2019, Authors: Mr. Chrispine Chola Mulenga Mr. Lusaya Saviour, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/1138/2019, Authors: Mr. Vernon Chigwele Innocent Nsunga, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/1120/2019, Authors: Mr. CLOSBY MUTENJE MR. MARVIN KABUBI, Country: Zambia BEYOND EDUCATION AND TRAINING TO FUNCTIONAL MENTORING: THE CASE OF SCIENTIFIC INNOVATORS IN ZAMBIA. Michael McGarvie retired. Paper-ID: CFP/1168/2019, Authors: Mr. Pearson Goma Mr. Dryson Lungu, Country: Zambia John Dixon J inHudspeth v Scholastic Cleaning and Consultancy Services Pty Ltd (No 8)[2014] VSC 567at [172], recorded without criticism an argument of one of the parties which cited Tombling v Universal Bulb Co Ltd[1951] 2 TLR 289,297: In a civil case, neither the litigant nor his lawyers were bound to call witnesses who did not support their case. Authors: Mr. THE ANALYSES OF PESTICIDES LEVEL EXPOSURE RESIDUES IN EDIBLE LEAF VEGETABLES GROWN IN NORTHERN TANZANIA, AN INVESTIGATION OF WHY CLIENTS AT CHIFUNDO CLINIC DO NOT ADHERE TO ART-TREATMENT (CASE STUDY OF CHIFUNDO CLINIC). Difference Between Lien And Forfeiture Of Shares, And of course the decision tells us nothing about the strength of the defendants defence, or whether time was critical in the sense that others might get judgment before the practitioners client if too leisurely an approach to the litigation was taken, or whether the defendants were trading while insolvent, or there was an anxiety that the delay in filing a defence was a cover for putting assets out of the jurisdiction. City of New York the court granted the NYPD and city summary judgment as to liability from April 14, 2001, through Aug. 7:2016cv00085 - Document 28 (E.D. . closing in garage door opening ideas Uncategorized legal services commissioner v yakenian. Challenges to the Provision of Special (Inclusive) Education in Primary and Secondary Schools: A Case of Four Newly Created Districts of Northern Province, Zambia. Paper-ID: CFP/1253/2019, Authors: Mr. Brian Simpande Kelvin Chibomba, Country: Zambia ASSESSING THE PROGRESSION LEVELS OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH INDICATORS WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 3. legal services commissioner v yakenianups insurance cost calculator. Further, it is the general duty of lawyers not to There More likely, perhaps the defendants would not in an application to set aside default judgment be able to establish by affidavit that they had an arguable defence, as would be necessary in the event that the judgment snapped on were not regarded as irregular. [and] medicines .. Utah Code Ann. The Legal Services Corporation, created in 1965, became one source, though most of its resources were devoted to helping poor people in everyday disputes with landlords, businesses, and estranged spouses. Paper-ID: CFP/1292/2019, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/470/2017, Authors: Mr. Alfred Kabaso Dr. Mbetwa Serah, Authors: Mr. Samson Daniel Musowoya chrispin cheelo, Authors: Mr. Francois Kassongo Prof Bill Tucker, Country: South Africa AN ASSESSMENT OF THE OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF WEEKLY BOARDING ON PUPILS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF MWANDI DISTRICT. Paper-ID: CFP/1164/2019, Country: Zambia Paper-ID: CFP/1328/2019, Authors: Mr. STEPHEN NGOSA KAYOKA MR LUSAYA, Country: Zambia Though it did not say so, the Tribunal effectively found the solicitor to have perjured himself. . (b) The duty of disclosure within the context of the adversarial system. To assess Business Environmental Factors affecting Profitability of Curio Business in Zambia: a case of Mukuni Park. He was referred to the NSW Legal Services Commissioner by District Court Judge, her Honour Wass DCJ. A Case of Kitwe, WEIGHING THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL LITERACY ON THE GROWTH OF SMEs: CASE STUDY OF LIVINGSTONE DISTRICT. Mat Ltd v. Elcombe [1988] 1 W.L.R. A Case Study of Some Select-ed Health Facilities in Lusaka District, Design and Development of a University Web-Based Discussion Forum, Effectiveness of neem oil seed (Azadiractin indica) oil as an organic insect pesticide, DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A LOW COST 3-AXIS MINI-COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL MILLING MACHINE, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OFA WEB-BASED E-LEARNING IN ZAMBIA FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS: A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED URBAN AN D RURAL SCHOOLS IN SOLWEZI DISTRICT, An investigation of the effects of high youth unemployment in Zambia, An Assessment of Sexism in the media: Case study of ZNBC, Hot FM & Prime TV, EVALAUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL CASH TRANSFER ON PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN ZAMBIA: A CASE STUDY OF CHONGWE, Assessment of Advantages and Disadvantages of teaching grades 1-4 in local languages on learners academic achievements: A case study of selected Primary schools in Kapiri Mposhi district, An assessment of effective leadership style that influences teachers motivation : A case study of selected secondary schools in Kapiri Mposhi district.